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Frank Schubert


[Publisher’s Note: After the defeats suffered by the Republican Party in the General Election, we have reached out to some California leaders to ask them to reflect on this question, "What must the GOP do to once again be the majority party?"  We are pleased to bring this you column from FR friend and esteemed political consultant Frank Schubert, who contributes weekly to this website.  Most recently, Frank along with his business partner, Jeff Flint, managed the successful Yes on 8 campaign – Flash]

I’m a lifelong Republican and I want to root for the home team. Problem is, I look out on the field of battle and I can’t tell which team is wearing the white uniform.

What do Republicans stand for anymore? The GOP leadership in Congress has virtually destroyed the Republican “brand” and turned it into something of value only to white, well-off conservatives. They have vastly expanded federal government spending and influence. They’ve turned earmarks into an art form. They’ve walked down Main Street throwing cash into the air – in the form of economic stimulus plans – hoping that people can be bought off with a check from the government. And they’ve spent untold billions bailing out mortgage companies who made disastrous business decisions that resulted in unimaginable wealth for corporate executives.

Meanwhile the Democratic standard bearer (now the President-elect) runs on a platform of middle class tax cuts.

Is it hard to see why Republicans have failed to connect with the electorate?

But despite the decade-long mismanagement of the Republican brand, the GOP still has an opportunity to reconnect with voters, if they are willing to devote the financial resources, manpower and energy necessary to do so. And assuming they have the commitment to develop a winning game plan, they will also need the discipline to implement the plan over a period of years.

So, what’s the game plan?

First and foremost, Republicans have to stand for things that matter at an emotional, gut level to average Californians and their families. We have to appeal to their hearts as much as their minds.

It’s time to go back to the drawing boards and start talking to voters. The California Republican Party should launch an intensive voter research program beginning with focus groups across the state. A large part of this focus group research should be aimed at ethnic voters so that the GOP can develop policies that appeal to this critical constituency.

It was my great honor to manage, along with my business partner Jeff Flint, the successful Yes on Proposition 8 campaign in California. This was not a partisan campaign – in fact we went out of our way to make sure it was not a partisan effort. Still, 84% of John McCain voters supported Proposition 8. More importantly, we got nearly one-third of Barack Obama voters on our side, including large numbers of minority voters the GOP hasn’t courted in years.

We learned a lot in the Prop. 8 campaign that can help Republicans reconnect with California families, especially in ethnic communities, because we spent considerable time and money talking with ethnic voters. We reached out to them in their churches and neighborhoods. We talked with them on the doorsteps and in their homes. And we took the time to communicate with them in their own languages. Our campaign produced campaign materials in fifteen different languages.

According to exit polls, Prop. 8 was supported by 70% of African American voters, 53% of Hispanic voters and nearly half of Asian voters. If it weren’t for the support we got among ethnic voters, we might very well have lost Proposition 8.

What we learned from these ethnic voters when we talked with them is that family, especially children, is the center of their universe. They are people of faith with conservative family values. They believe in God. They crave economic opportunity. They care deeply about how their children are educated. They are involved in their communities, and they want government policies that address the things they care about.

These are people who are largely ignored and taken for granted by the Democratic Party, who can be wooed by the GOP. There are also vast numbers of unregistered voters among these ethnic constituencies.

The focus groups I recommend should aim like a laser beam on identifying policies that appeal to ethnic voters. They might include obvious GOP themes like providing economic opportunity by making it easier to start a small business. But it may be less obvious, like tax policies that make it easier for families to afford day care, policies that encourage elder care, after school programs, or detailed reform of the school curriculum.

I’m not suggesting that Republicans become like Democrats and start proposing new government programs to appeal to certain constituencies. Rather, I am suggesting that the GOP align the party’s core values with the values of these ethnic voters in ways that will connect with them in real and emotional ways. An example: ethnic parents want their schools to emphasize real educational excellence and achievement, they don’t want kindergartners asked to literally sign cards pledging themselves to be allies of gay rights when they are not even old enough to write their name in cursive. Think I am making this up? It was part of “Coming Out Week” in the Hayward Unified School District and who knows how many other districts in California.

Once the issues have been identified and a game plan crafted, then the truly hard work begins. It is not easy to reach ethnic voters. It requires an extensive, concerted and continuous outreach program. It will cost real money to do this. Leaders in these communities have to be identified and recruited. Volunteers and staff must be deployed to community events, neighborhoods, churches and gathering places. Materials must be developed in native languages and distributed.

It won’t be easy and it won’t happen overnight. But it can and should be done. It’s time for a new game plan that helps California voters know for which team to root.


  1. Says:

    One of the reasons that I have left the Republican Party is that they have left me since the party wants to focus on the social issues related to religon and not focus on the issues that build the country. Please stop running after the social conservatives and enter the main stream.

  2. Says:

    In the Los Angeles Times we found out that 18% of latino voters voted for McCain, while 47% voted for Proposition 4, and 61% voted for proposition 8. Did they vote for us down the ticket? No

    Your campaign probably did damage down the Republican ticket by helping to drive Democratic voters to the polls just like the Wisconsin amendment in 2006.

    I did tell Randy Thomasson when he called me to sign his marriage pledge in 2002, if you want to have success elect social conservative, fiscal socialists and you will have your agenda passed. Such as the minority communities who voted for 8. The Villines plan of no tax increases over my dead body is not going to resonate to those voters.

    We are alienating so many demographic groups in the Republican Party its becoming disgusting. Voters under 30, black voters, latino voters, what will be the next demographic group to leave the party next?

    We have no real solutions except for social issues. That is not going to make us a complete party.

  3. Says:

    “I am suggesting that the GOP align the party’s core values with the values of these ethnic voters in ways that will connect with them in real and emotional ways.”

    Just to be clear, we are not talking about the tail wagging the dog here are we?

    Ironically, the GOP party’s core values are the value of ethnic voters. Unfortunately, extremities have alienated the message of the party from the spirit of the party. Republican Values are Latino Values and Latino Values are Republican Values. If I may elaborate, the Republican Party has historically stood for minority rights, stood side by side with minorities to support immigration of decent peoples into this great country, and give people the tools to succeed without government interfering.

    Family, Faith, and an opportunity to succeed.

    Based on research of voters supporting prop 8 one can conclude that many also hold those values regardless of party.

    Ethnic groups will become an increasingly dominant voting block and I agree an in-depth evaluation of how to reach out to the minorities must be conducted. But not to change core values of the party because as I stated many of these ethnic groups already hold closely aligned values. We must really try to understand why the Republican Party has the reputation it does relative to minorities and develop a plan to inform the groups why the Republican Party really is the better party to represent them.

    Case in point:

    General perception of the Republican Party is that it is anti-immigration due to it’s stance on illegal immigrants. Yes it is true, it is our country and we get to decide who gets to come in to it. Shifting from an illegal immigration mantra to a supportive measure to expand resources at INS would be a start.

    The issue of illegal immigration is, well, it is illegal. So do we put 100% effort to fight the notion of illegal immigration or do we balance it with support for those agencies responsible for processing requests to foster an expedient review of applications? Changing the message to helping those who want to enter into the US does several things. First it deflects the notion that the Republican Party is a draconian representation of isolationism while conveying the message we want you here and we are going to help you in the process.

    Going back to the ‘spirit’ of the Republican Party. This action does not indemnify those here illegally but supports the notion we are an inclusive party and nation. It also signals that although we welcome peoples of other nations we also believe in upholding the law.

    The two are not mutually exclusive.

    What we have to understand about minorities, and Latino’s in specific, is family comes first. Although my father received his citizenship four short years ago after serving as a police officer in California most of his life he very strongly supports securing the borders. But when rhetoric becomes antagonistic to family and not solution based the strong advocacy for secure borders comes secondary to family welfare.

    Where a man’s treasure is, so is his heart. I don’t know if there are any statistics but it would be a telling tale to see where GOP funds were spent in California this election season. I can attest from first hand communication that many of the Latino candidates did not receive any financial or back end support from the GOP. To be honest, the level of support for Latino candidates was almost disgraceful.

    I level that indictment but have great hope for the future. Ron Nehring has been communicating and working with several groups to ensure access and training of qualified minority candidates is addressed.

    My point is if you want to connect with the minority groups Mr. Schubert mentioned then make a commitment beyond platitudes.
    To summarize my observations:

    The message of faith, family, economic freedom, and security transcends party, ethnic, and social boundaries.

    Minority (Latino) values are Republican values and Republican values are already minority (Latino) values.

    Republican values can be positively presented and promoted. We can accomplish our core platform in a supportive and inclusive outreach.

    Finally, principles before politics. Define your principles and values and stand by them. We look week when we as republicans don’t.