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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jon Feischman Announces Re-Election Campaign For State GOP Office — Releases Endorsements

[Publisher’s Note: Today I am pleased to announce that I am seeking re-election as Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party.   Below my announcement letter is a partial list of my endorsements to date.]

Dear Fellow Republican:

It’s been three weeks since the Republican Party’s worst election night in four decades.  Senator Barack Obama’s landslide victory along with significant Republican losses in the House and Senate requires our party to critically examine why we lost, who lead us astray and how we can win in 2010.

However, when you juxtapose the dreary national picture with California’s election results, our outlook isn’t nearly as bleak. As scores of safe Republicans lost nationally, California’s strong, Victory ’08 operation targeted swing districts and prevented a single Congressional and State Senate seat from switching hands. Thanks to the very powerful Proposition 8 effort, conservative voters had a reason to turn out to the polls. And Proposition 8 was proof positive that voters on the left coast are philosophically right of center. 

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Jon Feischman Announces Re-Election Campaign For State GOP Office — Releases Endorsements”

  1. Says:

    If Jon commits to not wearing that one ugly tie anymore, then I add my humble voice of support.

  2. Says:

    PS I’m not saying that Jon has only one ugly tie…

  3. Says:

    Who is even going to run against you? Someone from Congressman Jerry Lewis office or Ken Calvert’s since you point out their abuses of earmarks?

  4. Says:

    Is it true that Albert Einstein said “the definition of insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again but expect a different result” or was that said by someone else?

  5. Says:

    Hi my name is Titania Jones. Last year I developed 4 important pieces of immigration legislation that was endorsed by David Wolfe at the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and adopted by the House of Representatives Immigration Reform Caucus.

    The key word to immigration legislation is to use the word “grandfathering”. It works like a charm in the Hispanic community, when you explain to them that the largest health care expense we have in California is live births to undocumented women and care for newborns.

    It doesn’t matter who you are. In five years, women using the benefits system, automatically time out, and are taken off of their benefits.

    This leaves undocumented women without skills and small children struggling, yet the money gets usurped by the next generation of undocumented immigrants.

    California could have plenty of resources and money if we stopped NEW undocumented people from coming here.

    Trying to kick illegal immigrants off of benefits prematurely does not work, because it could create a humanitarian crisis.

    Yet we have no problem kicking our own legal US mom’s off benefits off after 5 years, whether they are able to take care of themselves or their children.

    If California Republicans do not take this winning approach and adopt these principles in their thinking, they will never get anywhere no matter how “right” they are.

    Being correct isn’t useful, if it gets you nowhere with corrupt people who are willing to sabotage and undermine you to what………..get kicked off benefits in five years like the rest of us? They get kicked off benefits too.

    Believe me I have worked with the Hispanic community. They are intelligent people, and understand math.

    The less people coming here in the future, the more money we have to spend within our borders on people who are here, regardless of whether they are legal or not.

    Good luck with your campaign Jon, I just know you will do well.


    Titania Jones