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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Send the President an E-mail — Reject Duke Cunningham’s Request for a Pardon!

On this quiet Saturday of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, there really isn’t much by way of California political news in the main stream media.  So if you are looking for something productive to do with your sleepy day, here is something to occupy about two minutes of your time, and you will have done your conscience, and your country a favor.

There are lots of stories in the news about potential Presidential pardons — it’s that time of the cycle when a lame-duck President is leaving office and is considering requests from hundreds, if not thousands of convicted felons.

Believe it or not, one of those requesting a pardon from the President is notorious ex-Congressman Randall "Duke" Cunningham.  You may remember him.  This was the elected Member of Congress who used his office to literally "sell" America.  He was brazen enough to use his seniority in Congress to direct federal pork spending to buyers for the right price.  He famously even wrote up a cafeteria plan of federal spending that he could direct, and how much money he would need personally to provide it.

**There is more – click the link**

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