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Jon Fleischman

In the Sausage Factory

Speaker Grinch hauled all of the State Assemblymembers down to the floor yesterday for a 6+ hour waste of time session.   During their lengthy stay in the legislative chambers, care to guess what was achieved?  The Democrats put up BILLIONS of dollars in tax increases for a vote — and only Democrats supported them.  I am VERY PLEASED to convey to FR readers that 100% of Assembly Republicans voted against their blatant attempt to punish California’s taxpayers for their spending addiction.

Once again, Democrats put up these tax increases without putting up the votes for a permanent spending cap (you know, in order to make sure that the chronic overspending must come to a halt), nor any of the other major reforms in state law that would improve our state’s business climate, to stimulate growth in the economy.

I guess later today the GOP proposal will get a vote on the Assembly Floor, where we can predict that all of the Republicans will support it (I would hope so!) and all of the Democrats will oppose it.

And in the "upper" chamber, there is a disturbing rumor that they have concocted some scheme to increase taxes by calling them fees (thanks to the stupid and rediculous Sinclair Paint decision that allows fees for dedicated purposes with a nexus to the fee to be passed by a majority vote).  They may try to actually pass a measure out, on a majority vote, that socks it to taxpayers, over the objection of every Republican.   I wonder if the Governor would sign that when it got to his desk?  I have no reason whatsoever to believe he wouldn’t…  

We’ll see how the day’s events unfold.

In closing, however, I want to commend legislative Republicans in both houses.  The stupid situation may afford the best opportunity in a lifetime to get some real spending reforms and reductions in the size and scope of state government.  The road to get there is paved with GOP solidarity — we’re with you out here, and we’re proud of you all hanging tight there in the Capitol.