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Jon Fleischman

Mellow Monday

One of the reasons that our main page is shut down this time of year, is that the drop-off of interesting political news is substantial these last couple of weeks of the year.  Especially on an election year, the political reporters who pushed themselves to the limits covering all of the elections have typically already made their "quotas" for the year and are enjoying a break.

Today, there were a few links worth highlighting on a very disturbing topic.  As you know, last week Governor Schwarzenegger announced that he would veto massive taxes that were passed by the Democrats in the legislature by a majority vote.  We here at the FlashReport feel strongly that these tax increases are illegal, as do taxpayer advocates such as Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

When the Governor held his press conference to announce his opposition to the package, though, he avoided opining on the issue of the absence of a 2/3 vote on the "revenue increases" and now is apparently negotiating directly with Democrat leaders, and there is no mention of Republican legislators being a part of that.  

Left-of-center Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton is quick to jump in with a column today encouraging the Governor to cut a deal sans Republicans.  Hopefully before he does that, the Governor will read a big story in the San Jose Mercury News that is all about what a big deal it would be to set a precident of shelving the 2/3rd vote to raise taxes — and about how this will likely lead to a whole boat load of new taxes coming our way.

The Governor did appear on 60 minutes to talk about how his experience as an actor has helped him in his job.  No kidding!  His "I will oppose taxes" campaign rhetoric certainly fooled most everyone I know!

In the meantime, Politico reports that the big upswing for Democrats in Washington, D.C., means increased influence for Speaker Nancy Pelosi and California Democrats in Congress.  Though the Sacramento Bee points out one GOPer who is on the rise.

Yesterday our own Shawn Steel had a great column in Politico aiming his guns at the obscure Chairmn of the Republican National Committee.  That piece is in the post below.  

Have a great day!


P.S.  Even conservitive Vice President Dick Cheney is out defending the President’s bail out of U.S. automakers.  When is that Inauguration?