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Jon Fleischman

Tax Hiking Senator Takes Shot At Poizner

There are few people as infamous as State Senator Abel Maldonado (? – Santa Maria).  FR readers will recall that when Republicans had stopped the Big Budget/Big Taxes deal in the State Senate, it was Maldonado who rather flamboyantly cast the deciding vote to hit California taxpayers with the largest tax increase in the history of this (or any other) state.  This from a Republican legislator who voluntarily signed a pledge during his election campaign to oppose any new tax increases.

Maldonado is apparently upset with California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner for criticizing him and the other five legislative Republicans, and the Governor, for their support of taxes that will hit the average family at over $1,100 per year.

These days, you know you are doing something right if Maldonado is criticizing you.  I don’t know about you, but when I read this letter below, I just roll my eyes.

I reached out to Steve Poizner who informs me that he is penning a response, which you can be sure we’ll post up here on FR.

(Note:  This letter, a .pdf of which is attached, is on "Yes on 1F" letterhead.  Maldonado agreed to punish taxpayers in return for the placement of 1F on the special election ballot, and an "open primary" measure on the ballot next June.)

(From State Senator Abel Maldonado)

March 31, 2009

Dear Mr. Poizner,

Since the budget was passed, you have gone around the state criticizing it and the role six
Republicans played in its passage. I am very disappointed that you would let the state fall into
financial ruin just to win a political campaign.

Your recent statements condemning Propositions 1A-1F are very frustrating. During the budget
debate, which latest over 100 days, I heard from thousands of Californians who took the time to
give me their input on the state budget. But I never heard from you.

Your silence during the budget negotiations and your vague claims about “solutions” to solving
our state budget crisis demonstrate that you have no desire to govern, just to complain. You
were given the perfect opportunity to work with the Legislature in finding ways to fix our state
budget, including cutting programs and reducing government spending.

But instead of helping the state back from the brink of insolvency, you sat in a room with your
advisors writing a speech criticizing the very actions you refused to participate in. The first time
I heard from you about your vague “solutions” to the budget was during a speech you made at
Republican Convention, two days after the budget was passed.

Mr. Poizner, you had your chance to prove yourself a leader and as someone who could govern
this state. But you chose to do what many other hyper-partisans in Sacramento do—you chose
criticizing over governing.

Governing means making the tough choices and doing what is right, not what is popular.

Governing means making government work, not pushing us over the precipice into financial

I have read the letter you have written to the Chairman of the California Republican Party urging
him to oppose the measures on the ballot in May. And just like in February, you would rather
stand on principle than for solutions.

What, Mr. Poizner, are your solutions to this budget crisis? I don’t mean the platitudes you
espouse when you are securely behind your podium. I want to know what, where, and how
much you would cut from our state budget?

Where is this elusive “government excess” you speak of? Is it in the six-figure salary you take,
even though you are a multi-millionaire? Is it in the salary increase you took in 2007, when the
state was in a multi-billion dollar deficit? Maybe I would take your political posturing a bit more
seriously if you actually practice what you preach.

If you really believe that these ballot initiatives aren’t the solution to our budget crisis, what do
you plan to do if they fail? Will you put out a proposal to solve the multi-billion dollar deficit
you will help create?

Or do you just plan on standing behind a podium giving political speeches criticizing the very
state you wish to govern?

Your behavior and actions have proven to me that you are not interested in governing. You
cannot be governor if you refuse to govern. You offer only problems, not solutions.

This state is in need of true leadership and real reform.
