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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: An Important Public Service Announcement to Californians about Upcoming Changes to TV Broadcasts

Californians face enough issues in the days and weeks ahead, with a continuing economic crisis and a decision on Tuesday whether to tax themselves even more.  Yet, just as significant an issue for many of our citizens involves the pending change to their television broadcasts.

Thus, the FlashReport brings you this Public Service Announcement:

By June 12, 2009, television stations in the United States will stop analog broadcasts and convert to digital broadcasting.
If you currently watch television on an analog TV set that is not connected to cable, satellite or other pay TV service, you will need to take action before your local TV stations stop analog broadcasts.
If you are still watching television on an analog TV set and have not yet taken action to convert to digital capabilities, get a life.  You have either been living under a rock or just got out of prison.  Perhaps you have taken no responsibility for your actions.  If you don’t really care about receiving TV broadcasts, that is fine.
In any case, you do not deserve any more of my hard-earned tax dollars being spent by the Federal government to inform you — over and over and over again — of the same information that has been communicated to you for literally months on end, especially after an earlier deadline was imposed and then extended due to your procrastination.
In fact, where it is written anywhere that watching TV is a constitutional right and therefore the Feds should be spending millions upon millions of dollars in public funds to continuously warn you to take action is beyond me.
Therefore, this is your last and final notice.
Really, no kidding.
If, for some reason, you stop receiving television broadcasts on June 12, 2009, there are some additional options you will still be able to pursue.  Why don’t you read a book?  Or, play a game!  Or, go outside and get some fresh air, it will be a nice day!

2 Responses to “Sunday San Diego: An Important Public Service Announcement to Californians about Upcoming Changes to TV Broadcasts”

  1. Says:

    I actually rc’d a couple of emails asking why I am so concerned about informing people on FR of something that is being advertised continuously. Uhhh, well, to fully grasp my intent — for those not familiar with my sarcastic charm — it would take reading at least halfway thru the “Public Service Announcement.”

  2. Says:

    Actually, there are a lot of TVs out there that will be turned into paperweights on June 12, 2009 with no hope of ever using them again.

    Small handheld TVs, which have been widely used for the past 2 decades by people who wanted to watch TV while outside (at the beach, a park, etc.) are analog, and the converter boxes can’t be attached to them – at least not if you still want them to be portable.