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Jon Fleischman

Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, One of Eight GOPers Who Voted For Global Warmning Bill, Gives Rationale…

Yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives passed what is being referred to as the "Cap and Tax" plan or "National Energy Tax" bill by House Republicans — legislation pushed by President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Waxman and other liberals.  No matter how you slice it, this legislation represents a massive expansion of federal government regulation, and the costs associated with the enactment it is are enormous for taxpayers.  The Democrats referred to it as a "Cap and Trade" bill.

Only eight Republicans in the House voted for this legislation, and of the eight, only on is a Californian — Mary Bono Mack.  Rather than trying to attempt to characterize for the Congresswoman why she voted for this bill, I reached out to her for a statement that I could share directly with FR readers.  That statement is below.

I will be writing more on this vote by Congressman Mack next week, but I wanted to get her statement out as soon as possible.  Suffice it to say for now that I am deeply troubled by Mack’s support of this legislation for a number of critical reasons.

The fact that the Democrats lost over 40 members of their caucus on this, and that it was ultimately passed because of GOP votes only makes this situation more frustrating.

If this legislation finds its way to the President’s desk, it will represent yet another successful effort by the left in Washington to significant increase the size and scope of the federal government.



This was an extremely difficult vote to take, and I took the last few days talking to as many people as possible to hear from my constituents.
Regardless one’s view on the cause of global climate change, I believe it’s time our nation become energy independent and embrace future clean energy sources that can help take us in that direction.  As we look to reduce our reliance on foreign oil, we must have energy policies that first, focus on increased domestic energy production, and also on expanding our clean, renewable resources.
It is that forward-thinking approach to our nation’s energy future that brought major U.S. companies like General Electric and Nike to support legislation like this over the years.  Legislation provides certainty that companies like these need to invest in new clean energy solutions and bring us closer to realizing the benefits of these new technologies.
My district is in a unique position: we have vast potential for more wind, solar, and geothermal energy to be built in Riverside County.  Due to the state of the economy, it’s crucial that those who are out of work from various industries can look to the jobs that can be created from pushing for more green energy in the area.
It’s also important to remember two key points: the Supreme Court has given the Obama Administration’s EPA the authority to regulate greenhouse gases and also that our state is already living under California’s stringent AB32 that created a state GHG regulatory system.
The last thing I want is the EPA coming in and regulating every small business and farm in California.  This federal bill is actually LESS stringent than the regulations we’re seeing coming our way as a result of AB32.   Furthermore, this legislation REMOVES the authority for the EPA to regulate GHG’s, and also puts the brakes on the State’s regime.  Allowing for a more national approach to this issue is vital to me, as we aren’t in this alone.  California has already taken steps to embrace clean energy options, and this bill will reward those efforts, rather than allowing AB32 to force Californians to foot the burden alone.
I worked hard to improve a bill that I never cosponsored and agree still needs improvements.  This includes more domestic energy production like nuclear power, a clean, viable energy option California should aggressively pursue, along with enhanced focus on innovation and technologies that will put us ahead of the rest of the world.
We can lead this effort so that the rest of the world will seek our expertise, our manufactured products, and our vision.

6 Responses to “Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, One of Eight GOPers Who Voted For Global Warmning Bill, Gives Rationale…”

  1. Says:


  2. Says:

    She is given 4 days to change her vote. And we must encourage her to change her vote, even some of her best friends that live in the 45th congressional district.

    Problem is middle class and lower class households will especially feel the pain of the cap and trade system, who has an extra 2-4 thousand dollars to blow on taxes these days? I even tried to tell Joe Baca that and he probably is a sock puppet of Nancy Pelosi. describes a nationwide campaign to unseat the capandtr8tors if they don’t switch their vote.

  3. Says:

    what bill are you referring to Mary since one apparently does not exist:

    and nro post of
    quote: Cap & Tax: Nobody Read It … Because It Doesn’t Exist [Andy McCarthy]
    Nobody could have read the bill the House passed last night because there is no bill. There apparently wasn’t time to pull together a finished product that accounted for the hundreds of pages of amendments because of Pelosi’s headlong rush to slam this lunacy through before anybody had a chance to learn what was actually in it. So there is no “it” that all the pages and pages of words can be found “in.” Democrats have passed a concept — not a bill.

    #capntr8tors is now what they are calling this history group of sellouts

  4. Says:

    GE will make a fortune selling “green” products mandated by this bill. Nike manufactures in countries will not be effected by this idiocy. And, no mention of drilling here. Reminds me of an old saying – “B___ S___ makes the grass grow green.”

  5. Says:

    At noon on Saturday a group of us are protesting Mary’s vote at her Palm Springs office. Temp will be 111 degrees today but we constituents are furious at this useful idiot. Sonny must be turning over in his grave. Can you imagine if Bill Gates or Steve Jobs died? Do you think their wives would become CEOs? But Sonny dies and this pathetic person becomes a seven-term no-nothing rep? I hope we can find out who paid her off and for how much.

  6. Says:

    Another useful RINO idiot…when will Flash Report junkies learn it ain’t about anything but money, propping up incompetent attornies, rock star types and general gov. moochers tunred politicans while craving adulation at the country club.