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Jon Fleischman

Conservative Leaders To Legislature: Wait 72 Hours Before A Vote On Budget Deal — Give Public A Chance To Give Input

Yesterday afternoon a group of prominent California conservative leaders (including yours truly) sent an open letter to the 120 members of the state legislature urging them not to vote on or for any proposed budget deal until all of the text of the proposed legislation has been available to the public for 72 hours…  One of the flaws of the tragic February budget deal was its secrecy and lack of transparency.  In a representative democracy, the people have the right to understand what is being voted on, and to have enough time to give input and feedback to their elected legislators…

Here is the letter…

An Open Letter to Republican Members of the California State Legislature:

July 22, 2009

As the proposed budget “solutions” continue to be debated in the State Capitol this week, we – the undersigned – write to express grave concerns over the lack of transparency and accountability in budget negotiations which have developed over the last 48 hours.

It has become abundantly clear that some members of the majority party do not intend to operate in the interest of good faith and full disclosure. This has been proven by the lack of a written, publicly disclosed budget plan which would allow members of the legislature, the media, and the public to have the ability to read.

As proof of the attempt of some to circumvent a fair process, one needs to look no further than the majority party’s secret plan to release of tens of thousands of prisoners onto the streets of California.

Due to the blatant lack of good faith negotiation as well as an absence of a written proposal, we strongly urge that ANY proposed budget solution be presented, in writing, 72 hours prior to a vote.  If there is failure to do so, our collective groups will strongly urge a “No” vote on the budget.

As witnessed by the April 15th Tea Parties and the May 19th Special Election, the people of California have grown tired of incomplete solutions and behind-closed-door deals. It is for that reason we cannot support any efforts that circumvent public transparency and accountability. We urge you to refuse to even consider any plan that has not been placed in writing.

Furthermore, we remain deeply concerned that legislative Democrats fail to take seriously the magnitude of future budget deficits facing California. As early as this October, the State is expected to face further reductions in revenues, additional economic challenges brought on by the national recession, and a hefty bill of I.O.U.s that will come due.  It is for these reasons we continue to urge a more “comprehensive” budget solution which seeks not only to solve yesterday’s problem of the $26 billion budget shortfall, but also begins to address what lies ahead for California. If the legislature fails to do so, the State will find itself back in this budget crisis in just a few short months. The people of California expect more from their leaders – and they deserve it.

We appreciate your commitment in standing firm on taxes during this budget fight. On behalf of the taxpayers of California, we urge you to continue to do so in the coming days and weeks.  We are acutely aware that you continue to receive pressure from a number of special interests, but rest assured we represent the millions of voters and taxpayers who simply cannot afford to have their taxes increased, nor their state budget in a constant “state of crisis.”  On behalf of the hardworking Taxpayers of California, we will continue to support elected officials who do not waiver in their strength.

Jon Coupal, President
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Lew Uhler, Chairman
National Tax Limitation Committee

Mike Spence
California Taxpayer Protection Committee

Ken Mettler, President
California Republican Assembly

Jon Fleischman, Publisher
FlashReport Website on California Politics

Tom Del Beccaro, Vice Chairman
California Republican Party

Ted Costa, Chief Executive Officer
The People’s Advocate

Bill Leonard, Member
Board of Equalization

Peter Foy, Statewide Chairman
Americans for Prosperity-California

Mark Meckler, National and State Director
Tea Party Patriots

One Response to “Conservative Leaders To Legislature: Wait 72 Hours Before A Vote On Budget Deal — Give Public A Chance To Give Input”

  1. Says:

    A big thank you to all those who signed the above letter, and and standing up for us citizens who would like to have our voice heard