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Jon Fleischman

Duvall Sex Scandal Rocks State Capitol


KCAL/KCBS television just ran a story live on the 10pm news that 2nd term Assemblyman Mike Duvall (pictured) a Republican from Orange County, has been having extra-marital affairs with two women, one of them a lobbyist for a major utility — Duvall is the
Vice Chairman of the influential Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee.   The report appears on KCBS/KCAL, and also featured on the Orange County Weekly website contains a startling video and audio that appears to be from a legislative committee room, where the Assemblyman was caught on a live microphone that he was not aware was on…

Here is the link to the KCBS/KCAL story…  

Here is the link to the OC Weekly story…


ABC10 Sacramento: Assemblyman Brags About Sex With Lobbyists

Red County: Assemblyman Mike Duvall Enveloped In Sex Scandal
Matt Cunningham

Red County: It’s Time To Resign Assemblyman Duvall
Allan Bartlett

As they say on the Drudge Report, DEVELOPING…

5 Responses to “Duvall Sex Scandal Rocks State Capitol”

  1. Says:

    Thanks for the post Jon.

    If true, sad, very sad for Mr. Duvall’s wife, family and his constituents – and for Mike Duvall himself. There is nothing here to celebrate – unless you like to see the downfall of another human being. I don’t.

    I just pray that Mike Duvall makes some wise decisions in the next few days for the good of his District and his family. And if this is not true, that he has verifiable evidence to show his innocence.

    He is in my prayers.

  2. Says:

    Jon – I am not going to echo Craig’s conciliation.

    It is time to see hypocritical pro-family Republicans like Duvall get eviscerated. Every time a scandal like this occurrs – there is a media feeding frenzy and the colleteral damage is extreme.

    You’d think that after a 10-year long string of this crap that Republicans in office would learn to honor their marriages or get divorced first before pulling this crap.

    Where I agree with Craig is that it is not a happy day to see someone get destroyed – but sometimes it is necessary.

  3. Says:

    The story was carried on the San Francisco CBS affiliate.

    Aaron is right. We don’t need anymore of this crap. Its time for the Party to purge itself of these morons.

    Yes, I know that’s easier said then done.

  4. Says:

    Actually there is a very simple way for the Republican Party and associated Pro-family groups to handle this and future cases of sinners falling into sin:

    We oppose abortion, homosexual practices and adultery BOTH in policy and practice!


  5. Says:

    So this profane buffoon did the right thing and resigned; good riddance to bad rubbish. I pray for his family, but also hope his wife takes him to the cleaners. Some people deserve to be kicked when they are down.

    Good grief, what is wrong with these people? The clown was bragging about two separate affairs, one of them with a lobbyist in about the most vulgar language possible. We’ve got adultery, ethics issues and probable corruption, on top of arrogance beyond belief (and incredible stupidity). Somehow I doubt this behavior was news to his colleagues in Sacramento. They all act shocked and appalled now, but where was the outrage before it was caught on an open mike?

    The OC Weekly story says his affair was the worst kept secret in Sacto. Yeah, the OCW is a left-wing rag, but I’m sure they are correct. Why didn’t our own people police this joker? I’ll tell you why; despite all the family values talk, our guys are just as bad (if not worse) than theirs. Remember that pillar of family virtues, Mike Carona? Just another OC Republican that was great at talking the talk, but was actually a self-indulgent, lying crook.

    As a conservative who happens to be a Republican (not the other way around) I have had enough. No longer can we tolerate this stuff just because a warm body votes the right way. This guy was from a non-competitive district, he represented Yorba Linda, Placentia and the rest of NE OC. The seat is a Republican lock and this was the best we could do? What a freaking joke.

    John – FR is a force within the state party. I’m sure you know of others in similar situations, albeit not as crass and idiotic as Duvall. Let’s clean out the hypocrites now and get it over with, instead of waiting around for the next shoe to drop.