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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Yesterday’s Bee Story On Whitman’s Terrible Voting Record Sets Off Political Brush Fire

(Blogging from Indian Wells, where Republicans will gather for the State GOP Conventions which begins today…)

At some point in the middle of the day yesterday, I actually looked at the date on my Blackberry just to confirm that it was in fact mid-September of the “off year” and not late May of next year, the election year.  It was that crazy yesterday trying to keep up with some of the back and forth between GOP gubernatorial hopefuls Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner yesterday.

Actually (and I apologize for which invariably will be a bad analogy – I’m terrible with my analogies) as I looked from my backyard in South Orange County yesterday into the very dry Cleveland National Forest, with particular focus a small plume of smoke from a not-so-distant wildfire, I thought about the political goings-on of the day, and I realized that tensions are so high between these two campaigns that the GOP primary for Governor is like a dry forest in fire season – one little match can set the whole thing ablaze. 

**There is more – click the link**

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9 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Yesterday’s Bee Story On Whitman’s Terrible Voting Record Sets Off Political Brush Fire”

  1. Says:

    Oh! Flash Report Junkies…..please do not burn your eyes reading this PaP about Whitman continually forced down your throats by Flash Report….this woman is a flaming joke…..

  2. Says:

    Mr. Bosich:

    You are doing Mr. Fleischman an injustice, if you think about it a
    little more.

    This is a News Blog, and Mr. Fleischman is doing his job by letting
    us know about the cut-and-thrust of the pre-primary campaign.

    That is often the MOST entertaining part of an election contest,
    and when the Elephants gather at Indian Wells, they will want
    entertainment. The Flash Report is delivering those goods!

  3. Says:

    James Sills….well said….Flash Report does a valuable service, but it needs nudged from time to time to knock down RINO commercials and the rise of pathetic failed attornies dipping their toes into politics, the wasteland of incompetents. And….the latest trend of celebrities going into politics can jade a site overwhelmed with glitz exposing Flash Report Junkies to bonafide losers like Campbell,Whitman and Fiorina.

  4. Says:

    Going to be interesting to see how long it takes for those politicos and high-priced hired hands jump the Meg ship as it goes down in flames … could this be that one little match that starts the fire?
    Still can’t believe Bill would contribute anything this soon … what is he thinking?

  5. Says:

    Where was Whitman the last 28 years….running a swap meet?

    Lets get serious….Whitman is over…

    Campbell is over….nary a tax he did not like….

    Poizner by default? Heaven help California!!

    Your new governor is Jerry Brown.

  6. Says:

    Jon, my hubby didn’t vote for decades either. Simply wasn’t political, too busy, didn’t think it mattered, etc. Since our marriage, I insisted on his registering and voting. His choice on which party, his choice on issues and candidates. I didn’t care, just wanted him to enough to register and then vote.

    He choose Republican and has since been voting and trying to understand the issues.

    It has not been easy. His not being political very often steers him to draw wrong conclusions. He’s getting better, and sometimes I find the process tedious. But his enlightenment ultimately makes me happy.

    He runs a business. Certainly not on the scale of a Meg Whitman, but sees the problems with taxes, more taxes, inappropriate representation etc. At this stage of the game he’s not qualified to run for office. He can not make up for his lack of interest for the 30 or so years he seemed not to care.

    Nor can Whitman.

    I don’t want someone who just decided to get political to take the lead. This is not on the job training, and I don’t trust the opinion or leadership of someone who just got one. I want to see a proven track record. One would assume the least to expect would be to register, and further, to vote.

    Sorry, this lack of record does not inspire confidence or support. To be honest, I think it’s shameful that someone running for such a high office would have to admit to this.

  7. Says:

    If Steve Poizner voted for both President Bushes, why did he contribute money to John Kerry (1,000, 02/15/2001) and to both Gore 2000 ($1,000, 02/22/2000) and the Gore-Lieberman Recount Committee ($10,000, 11/27/2000)?

    Meanwhile, did Meg Whitman at least get a thank you letter from Barbara Boxer for her contribution ($4,000, 11/24/2003)?

  8. Says:

    Let’s cut to the chase here –

  9. Says:

    Finally some Flash Report Junkies expose the truth on these RINO Flakes…

    Republicans have NO candidate for governor….none. They are all turncoats that will sell you out for a Manhattan cocktail or a Shrimp Louie…

    So what is to be done? Find someone else. No choice is not a choice. This is a conspiracy by the Republican Party enamored with the Rockafeller country club types….Hollandaise anyone?