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BOE Member George Runner

The Tax Commission’s recommendations deliver another blow to business

The Governor’s Commission on the 21st Century Economy delivered its much anticipated report today. Some of the recommendations are valid and should be embraced by the Legislature. But unfortunately, the report also calls for a hidden tax on business (known as the business net receipts tax) that would lead to taxing services. 

At a time when California’s business climate is the third worst in the nation and when its unemployment rate is breaking Depression-era records, the notion of a hidden tax will go over like a lead balloon with taxpayers, with economists and certainly with Republicans.

How can we support any idea that will make California less competitive in business, kill jobs and evaporate the entrepreneurial spirit that Californian is known for the world-over? It’s obvious that further taxation will do all of these things, and in the process send California’s business climate to rock bottom and push our joblessness rate through the roof. 

Perhaps instead, Legislative leaders and the governor should get serious about supporting business and creating jobs – not unlike Michigan, which is giving incentives to green industry manufacturing instead of creating taxes — that will trickle down to the families hit hardest by these financial tough times.

One Response to “The Tax Commission’s recommendations deliver another blow to business”

  1. Says:

    Well you moderates….you may get what you want…..stealth taxes to finally finish off small business in California…..

    It is virtually impossible now to comply with all regulations, form filling, taxes, etc. and be in conformance on any given day in California….most small business owners dread official mail, calls from their insurance agents at renewal time, summons, depositions, the latest news from the communists in Sacramento…

    What a way to live your life and run a business….FEAR!!! Always FEAR…

    A stealth VAT tax will result in a massive underground economic system rivaling Miami, the capital of drugs and general illegal mayhem in America.

    So moderates get ready, there ain’t gonna be much left over for you….Jurassic Park will be at your doors.