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James V. Lacy

Dysfunctional Democrats

I read with interest about a recent speech our state’s Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Ron George, gave about how the initiative system in our state is responsible for “dysfunction” in Sacramento. In my opinion, Democrat dominance in the legislature is more the cause of dysfunction, not the initiative process. To say that the initiative system is the cause of all our state’s problems is very wrong – because it blames the People of our state. In my opinion, the People, any subdivision of them; the first 120 names in the Fresno phone book, for example, would be far less dysfunctional leading our state than Speaker Bass and Company. The People want lower property taxes, the death penalty, and chickens to be treated humanely. What’s wrong with that? What does the legislature want? Not good stuff, that is for sure!

One Response to “Dysfunctional Democrats”

  1. Says:

    Ron George is a Republican.

    What’s made the legislature dysfunctional is a supermajority requirement, term limits, and the over-reliance on special interests for campaign funds because of the lack of public financing.