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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Term Limits, Oceanside Recall in Final Days, Six Figure Paid Vacations, and More

Service Employees Solely Bankroll San Diego County Supe Term Limits Effort… Jim Sills of SD Rostra breaks the news yesterday that the entire $250 grand raised so far to qualify a term limits initiative for County Supervisors has come from either the local chapter of SEIU or its State PAC.  It is of course no surprise that labor is pushing the measure; perhaps the surprise is that SEIU hasn’t bothered to raise any funds from outside sources.  

Uhhh, and perhaps that’s no surprise either.

In his SD Rostra piece, Sills creatively paraphrases Winston Churchill with, “Never have so few, donated So Much, for So Little.”  He points out the apparent "philosophical disconnect," as only a year ago SEIU contributed $2,200,000 in support of Proposition 93 to overturn state term limits.

So, why the dichotomy?  Does SEIU oppose or support term limits?  Read Sills’ piece here.

Fleischman: Join SEIU in Supporting County Supe Term Limits?… On the heels of the news of SEIU’s most recent display of its largesse, FlashReport Publisher Jon Fleischman last night submitted a provocative guest column to SD Rostra.  Some excerpts:

"I question why there are some Republicans out there who seem to be concerned or upset that some unions have coughed up some cash to place a term limits measure on the ballot for San Diego County Supervisors.  To this I say, “THANK YOU!”

"For a long time now, it has been Democrats who have opposed term limits, because Democrats believe in elected offices being life-long careers with lucrative pay and lavish pension benefits.  Republicans have long said that people elected to public office should return back to the private sector, where they can lives under the laws that they have created.

"We should not let unions, or Democrats, co-opt “our” issue in San Diego.  Sure, it may be union dollars that have placed this measure on the ballot … but when “they” come 100% around to our position on an issue – then we should claim victory."

Read the entire Fleischman column.

Speaking of Labor, one word: Oceanside… One of the most controversial recall efforts in San Diego County history will come to its conclusion on Tuesday, when voters go to the polls in the City of Oceanside to cast a ballot in the Firefighters Assocations-led effort against Councilman Jerry Kern.

As cities grapple with budget constraints throughout the state, this election could very well set the tone as to what may happen to local elected officials who stand up and honestly say, "We don’t have the money."  Will they be supported by an electorate that understands the reality of the economy and currently unsustainable public employee salaraies and pensions?  Or, will the unions be able to replace them with those of their choosing?

Here is today’s Union-Trib wrap-up article on the Oceanside battle.

For some addtional background, see some SD Rostra entries on the recall election.

County Employee Gets Six-Figure Salary — To Stay Home… Just wondering aloud here if any of our elected representatives on the SD County Board of Education are willing to talk about this…or maybe even do something about it?  If so, please contact me at  

Read the 10News I-Team story.

My Political Thought for the Week… The guaranteed way to end corruption in politics? No longer elect human beings to public office.

Have a great week!