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Jill Buck

America’s Energy Security: From the frontlines to the pipelines…

In the State of the State address yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger talked about using tax incentives on the purchase of green technologies as a means of creating jobs. This is not simply
a theoretical notion. The fact is, there are several initiatives throughout the U.S. that could
make this piece of the Governor’s plan a reality, and the President and CEO of two of them will
be my guest on Go Green Radio tomorrow. 

Robbie Diamond is the President & CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) – – , and the Electrification Coalition – -, both nonpartisan, not-for-profit groups of business four star military leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in order to combat the economic, environmental, and national security dangers caused by our nation’s dependence on petroleum.   

Among Robbie’s distinguished group of coalition members is Peter Darbee, CEO and President of San Francisco-based Pacific Gas & Electric; Fred Smith, CEO and President of FedEx; and Carlos Ghosn, CEO and President of Nissan Motors Company. The members of Robbie’s Energy Security Leadership Council are such luminaries as Herb Kelleher, Founder of Southwest Airlines; David Steiner, CEO of Waste Management; and a host of four star Generals and Admirals, including General John Abizaid, former Commander of the U.S. Central Command and General P.X. Kelley, 28th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps – OOH RAH!

Robbie will be on my show live from 9-10 a.m. Pacific on We’ll be talking about the political will that is necessary to end our nation’s dependence on foreign oil, and how we can ensure that future American military members would never have to fight for the energy we need to fuel our economy, and American businesses would forever have clean, reliable, affordable, domestic energy with which to run their companies.

California public policy makers…hope you’re listening in tomorrow, because we’ll be talking
about the jobs and the fuel of the 21st Century, and I hope my home state is first in line to lead
the way!