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Barry Jantz

Anderson Makes it Official in SD 36

Coming as no surprise to many political watchers, while ending months of speculation for others, Assemblyman Joel Anderson (R-77) today made it official that he is seeking the San Diego-Riverside area Senate seat currently held by a term-limited Dennis Hollingsworth.

"I’m running for Senate because my work in the legislature is not done," Anderson said. "California is at a tipping point and our state needs a strong conservative voice to stand up against calls for higher taxes, one who will fight to bring jobs back to our Golden State."

Anderson’s recent legislation includes the IOU Taxpayer Protection Act.  The bill was recently praised as a model for bipartisanship by new Democratic Assembly Speaker John Perez in his inaugural address.

Anderson has earned Straight A’s from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and 100% ratings from the California Taxpayers Association.  The California Republican Assembly has given him a perfect voting record for each year since 2006 he has served in the Assembly.

He has been endorsed for Senate by Congressman Duncan Hunter and the California Pro-Life Council.

Other Republicans running for the 36th District seat include Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone and Murrieta Schools Trustee Ken Dickson.

The four Republicans vying for the 77th Assembly District have all been waiting with anticipation for a formal announcement by Anderson that he in fact would not seek re-election to the seat.  The candidates are Richard Bailey, Santee Councilman Brian Jones, Christine Rubin and El Cajon Councilman Bill Wells.

5 Responses to “Anderson Makes it Official in SD 36”

  1. Says:

    That would be Ken Dickson, not Larry.

  2. Says:

    Thanks, Jeff, so corrected.

  3. Says:

    But the most important endorsement comes from the people, like me. I endorse Joel, I’m proud to say, and I do live in his district.

  4. Says:

    Is there a link to his state filing, or does he file locally?

  5. Says:

    Dayna, his committee and financial statements would be filed locally and on-line with secy of state.

    His filing to run for office would be with Registrar.