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Ray Haynes

Republicans are Lazy

So it is clear, I am talking about Republican officeholders and candidates, not the tireless volunteers that work endless hours helping that hapless group get elected.  We are about to enter the sprint phase of this electoral marathon, and Republican officeholders and candidates are very ill equipped for the victories they are about to receive.

The good news is, voters don’t care.  Voters are so angry at Democrats that Republicans can show up to this party drunk and get power. But those officeholders and candidates are not ready.  I listened to Meg Whitman on John and Ken.  It was painful.  But the race is over.  She can phone it in now, and Jerry Brown is still toast.  Carly Fiorina will probably beat Boxer.  It is close, but I think Boxer loses (I said so in January).  It will be a duel, but in the end, I think Fiorina wins.  But like Whitman, she has not persuaded the voters that she is good.  They just know that Boxer is bad.

And that is because Republican officeholders are lazy.  The first rule of politics is that the purpose of the political process is to persuade the people to entrust you with power.  There are two ways to do that.  Prove to people you have solutions that will make their life better, or convince people that the other guys will make their lives worse.  For the last two years, Republicans have done neither.  Democrats have done a good job of proving to people that their policies will make people’s lives worse.  Republicans have done nothing, except of course attack each other.  Conservatives attack RINOs.  RINOs mock conservatives, and Democrats mess up our society. 

It is permissible, dear Republican candidates, to make liberals mad (no matter what your consultants say).  Be yourself, not the candidate your consultant wants you to be.  In these last two months of campaigning, Republicans really have to go on the offensive, and mercilessly attack Democrat policies (notice I say their policies, not Democrats themselves, unless of course the Democrat is a crook), but once Republicans have won, they will have won nothing.  They will have power, yes, and a small honeymoon with the voters, but they will have about six months to prove that persuade people that the policies of small government, less taxes, economic freedom, and strong communities and families (as opposed to a strong central government) are what is best for everyone. 

I believe Republicans are going to win big this year (some great insight since everybody is saying that), but when the election is over, Republicans are going to act as if they did something great.  They didn’t.  The Democrats have literally thrown the interception straight into the Republicans’ hands.  No great offense or defense will cause this win.  It will be strictly the result of Democrat arrogance and overreaching.

If Republicans get that, and get to work to actually persuade people that the power they received was merited, Republicans could maintain power for a generation.  But it will come from actually pursuing the policies of small government, less taxes, strong families and communities and economic freedom, not by retreating into the domes of the capitol out of fear, as they did from 2000 to 2006. Stand tall, make the liberals and the press mad, earn the power with which you are about to be entrusted.

We had an great opportunity in 1994, and we squandered it through timidity.  The lesson from that experience is that we need to be bold.  If we are bold, voters will reward us over and over again.  If not, we will be back in this spot 10 years from now, and the people of this country will be the worse for it.  They deserve for Republican officeholders to be Republicans.  Our officeholders just need to merit the trust of the people.

6 Responses to “Republicans are Lazy”

  1. Says:

    Another tip from a young Republican the voter…

    There are WAY more libertarians in your ranks then you realize.

    Leave the social issues as a choice to states and (better yet) individuals. Focus on economic and individual liberty and you may hold on to your majority this time.

    I want freedom to flourish in my wallet, in my bedroom and in the minds of other young Americans seeking liberty.

    Don’t blow it.

  2. Says:

    Ray! Your general accusation that Republican candidates are lazy remains grossly unproven. I know your work and I know you can do better than that when in combat with the Demo elected majority.

    I look forward to a solid and well thought out follow-up commentary from you.

  3. Says:

    Ray sez

    “Republicans are Lazy”

    Nice to know you figured this out LOLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Hold up there partner, picking on RINOs is just plain fun.It should become an olympic event.

    While you suggest republicans should steer clear of social issues…what was slavery?
    I think that was more than just an economic issue.

    Is the Republicans’ call to 100% seal our borders a social issue or just an economic issue.

    If there are libertarians in our ranks, no wonder they can hardly ever win anything.

    Government in and of itself is a social issue. Government does not keep it’s nose out of social issues, so why should we?

    I don’t want government sanctioning abortions. I don’t want government shoving political correctness down my pie hole any longer.

    Sticking your head in the sand concerning “social issues” will not help this country become a better place for our children. It is this kind of thinking that led to throwing God in the trash can.

    When God is removed from Government – then Government will become God. Being free from God is not liberty, it is bondage to our own base desires and leaves us open to become slaves to the Government.

    There is an increasing number of republican newcomers to office who are very well equipped to lead with sustained agressiveness.These would be the ones who rely on the bible and the constitution to direct themselves and to shape future policies of our government.

    Now if we could just work out that pervasive and nasty habit of politicians buying votes with tax payer’s money, I think our future will remain bright.

    Ken “The Rino” Hunter

  5. Says:


    First. I’m free from God everyday. I don’t believe in him.

    Second. The border issue is not a “socioal” issue it is a law enforcement one. I support a regulated border fully.

    Three. The concept of social issues in the current political climate has to do with individual people exercising personal liberties and “some” social conservatives efforts to use the hand of BIG government to stop them.

    Until the party accepts that if someone wants to smoke pot in their bedroom at night, it’s that person business and not the state’s you will continue to lose voters that you could easily have wrapped up.

    These “social” issues are to be worked out by individuals, families and (should that be your persuasion) religious groups.

    To be a long term viable majority party the Republicans must remove these issues from the ballot box.

    Most of us younger people could care less about gay marriage.

    Freedom of contract.

    If those two people seek that union it’s none of my affair.

    Now the moment they infringe upon your freedom to deny them access to your religious or secular group, I’ll be the first to stand with you.

    Freedom of association works both ways.

  6. Says:

    Republicans are pathetic at the grass roots on an ongoing basis…where is the outreach to the Barrio and the Hood and to poor seniors?

    Why doesn’t the Republican Party own the education issue….it is lying on the ground dead, beat, battered….but oh know…educating the masses is not as important as chasing abortion, gay issues that should be personal in nature and not in politics at all…

    Bottom line….RINOS screwed up the Republican party….the operatives are fat, bloated, lazy and have no ideas or guts….they get paid for being lap dogs and losers each election year….

    If anything….The Republican Party should pull out the stops to support Fiorina…instead of letting her twist in the wind…..and please….knock Loretta Sanchez out of Congress…she epitomizes what is wrong with politics in each and every way.