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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

A hodgpodge of otherwise mostly-missing-from-the-mainstream missives from the San Diego area…

Public Twitter Act…  By Kelly Thornton at Voice of San Diego, an excellent analysis of the growing question: Should politicos be able to communicate electronically during public meetings and just what exactly in this day and age is a public record?  (Side note: A few years ago when a local reporter asked for my public calendar, assuming I must have a paper one, I was half inclined to hand her my Blackberry and ask how soon I could get it back.)  

Read the Voice piece, Silence of the Thumbs.

San Diego Rostra Fledgling, but Growing… The little area conservative blog, which I consider a local partner to FlashReport, had over 7,200 unique visitors in August.  Not bad for no money and a band of volunteers, lovingly known as "Rostrafarians."

Thanks to Jim Sills for the entry; read it here.

Speaking of Growing, check out the San Diego GOP… Tony Krvaric says, "It’s not the ‘Left Coast’ anymore … Democrats lose control in America’s fifth largest county as Republicans surge in voter registration."  Take a look:

Republicans retake status as largest part in San Diego County

Recall in the City of Vista?… If Poway’s recent dumping of Betty Rexford is any measure, the public is a bit fed up with shenanigans by elected officials.  (Wow, Barry, that was really going out on a limb.)  Now, take a look at the trials and travesties of Vista Councilman Frank Lopez:

The case for recalling Frank Lopez

Complete North County Times Coverage: Frank Lopez Investigation

Where are the Books?… In response to recent stories about the Sweetwater Union High School District substituting literary classics for other forms of student education, local bookseller Craig Maxwell has a comment:

Planting and cultivating a desire for good books has always posed one of the greatest educational challenges, and with today’s rapid proliferation of digital distractions, the job’s gotten even tougher.

Thus the kind of overtly ignorant, intellectual sabotage represented by the Sweetwater Union High School District’s decision to replace the study real literature with “newspaper editorials, historic documents, advertisements and some nonfiction,” can only add unforgivable insult to injury. Who, if not teachers, (and parents) can be the last bastions of qualitative distinction in the liberal arts? Ezra Pound truly said that “Literature is news that stays news.” Shame on the Sweetwater mis-educators for cheating their students, and closing a crucial aspect of the American mind.

Have a great week!  Read a good book.  Read one with a kid, in fact.


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