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Matt Rexroad

Pugno Fact #1

Pugno Fact #1
Emotion regarding social issues is clouding the political judgment of political observers and the local press in the race for the 5th Assembly District between Republican Small Business Owner Andy Pugno, Democrat Community Physician/Educator Richard Pan, and Peace and Freedom College Student Elizabeth Martinez.
So the Pugno campaign will attempt to provide some facts for people to consider about the race, the district and the candidates.
Pugno Fact #1
In the June primary election more than 42,000 votes were cast for Republican candidates compared to just 35,000 for Democrats.  7,000 votes is a substantial difference.

Note: I am the general consultant for Andy Pugno for Assembly.

One Response to “Pugno Fact #1”

  1. Says:

    Matt: Congratulations. You are representing the next Assemblyman from the 5th District. Once you got Andrew though the Primary, that was it; game, set, match. Has a Democrat EVER been elected to the Assembly from that District? Your Pugno Fact # 1, alone, proves that it’s a solid GOP district.