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Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Opposes Prop. 23

I’m on the road today (I’m actually in San Francisco where I am about to joust with Democratic consultant Garry South in front of execs with the Bay Area Council) — but I wanted to make sure that our site readers who do not follow our twitter feed that today Meg Whitman staked out her formal positions on the November ballot measures.

Of particular and unfortunate note was Whitman’s opposition to Proposition 23, the measure which would suspend the former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez’s greenhouse gas emission reduction mandates until California has recovered from this recession.  (AB 32 was put on post-partisan Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk without any Republican votes.)

If you need a reminder of the reasons why Prop. 23 needs to pass and why the very underpinnings of AB 32 are counter to the very philosophy and world view of the Republican Party, you can see that here.

I’m sure at some point soon I will think of appropriate and lengthier comment on Whitman shooting out into left field on this measure, the passage of which is a major priority for the California Republican Party.  How inconvenient.

I am just trying to sort out in my mind where the line should be drawn, as a party official, in applying public criticism to a Republican candidate whom I am trying hard to elect.  Do you get a free pass on this sort of thing?

When I have finished having this debate with myself, you’ll be the first to see how that went.

I will say that I am profoundly disappointed in Whitman’s decision on this measure, and that it is always more difficult when Republican candidates are not on the same page with the party on ballot measures — at least from the perspective of a party official who is trying to get everyone motivated and marching in the same direction to both elect our candidates and prevail on ballot measures.

Californians need to elect Meg Whitman, and Californians need to pass Proposition 23.  It is NOT an either or situation.  We need both. 

On a positive note, I am pleased with Whitman’s positions on all of the other myriad of ballot measures, which is not to be taken for granted.

4 Responses to “Meg Whitman Opposes Prop. 23”

  1. Says:

    It makes you wonder….just a little itsy bit….why Flash Report supports a bonafide flip and flopper, who appears to have found voting challenging, is an enviro tree hugger, was against amnesty before she was for amensty, has no public service experience and has given us little, if any peeks, into her core beliefs on hot button social issues so important to many in the Republican Party.

    We are about to elect the second coming of Arnold….and look how that nightmare played out!!!

    Save your powder for another day!

  2. Says:

    I’m Meg Whitman, that’s my plan. What’s yours. Email me @

  3. Says:

    Robert, your other choice is literally the second coming of Jerry Brown.

  4. Says:

    Nick…..I will consider a bumbling loser who truthfully tells us he has no values, no core, no ideas than a flip flopping RINO cocktail party grazer emulating the Austrian Socialist.