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Barry Jantz

Your 28 Days Out Campaign Advice

Not so sure I’m going to be able to keep this up for the next four weeks.

Signage, ahhh, signage.  We’ll deal another day with the question of whether it was worth it for you to purchase all those campaign signs, as well as the inordinate amount of time you are now spending in maintaining their presence.

But, as long as you did, let me ask.  Those large signs…why for the love of Pete do you have some of them placed along main traffic routes positioned parallel to the roadway, instead of having the wording facing the oncoming traffic?  

How many people do you know that while driving 45 miles per hour suddenly turn their heads 90 degrees to the right or left to read something facing the middle of the street?  Do you?

Just askin’.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts.


6 Responses to “Your 28 Days Out Campaign Advice”

  1. Says:

    Ha, this is right on target, Barry! Question for you on signs: do you think any campaign in the near future will “go green,” seize the opportunity to brag about the fact it’s not wasting resources or spreading litter by printing up a bunch of signs? I for one would love it (said although I’ve got a “NO on D” sign in my front yard).

  2. Says:

    Thanks, Gayle. Sign competition is a vicious cycle. Even “safe” incumbents see their challengers’ signs go up and feel the need to compete. Interesting question, though. I’ve often thought that if a candidate came out and took the lead on challenging the competition to not place any signs in exchange for his/her own commitment to not do so, it would definitely get some play. I’ve yet to see anyone have the guts to make such a commitment, especially if they know they might feel compelled to go back on it should the competition not agree to play along.

  3. Says:

    Are we “forced” to be elightened for the next 28 days with such pap?

  4. Says:

    No, Robert, you can choose not to read them if you like. I won’t even be offended. It’s up to you. Freedom is a powerful thing.

  5. Says:

    I enjoy these, Barry! Keep ’em coming!

  6. Says:

    I think the little people should have another 27 days to develop name recognition…