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Ray Haynes

Don’t Throw Me in That Briar Patch

I have to admit, I was a little mystified by Governor Brown’s comments this last week.  He appeared in front of the budget committees (a little outside the norm, to be sure) to say that, if those tax increases were not on the ballot, and if they did not pass, he would only sign a budget with $25 billion in cuts, or at least that is what the paper reported he said.

The whole event was reported as a threat to Republicans, vote for my tax increase initiative or I’ll cut the budget by $25 billion.


And the problem with that is……what?  Let’s see, I’m a Republican legislator, and the Governor has given me the choice of a vote that angers all of my supporters, friends, and most Republican constituency groups or a vote that angers most government unions, left wing activists, and the Democrats in the Legislature.  Is there a problem with this choice?  What is it?  Why would the Governor pose such a challenge to Republicans?  There really is no reason now to vote to put the taxes on the ballot.  Don’t throw me in that briar patch Governor.  I really don’t know what to do now.  $25 billion in budget reductions?  Oh no, we just can’t do that, don’t make me do that, I couldn’t stand it if you did that. 

The budget debate is over.  Take the Governor up on his challenge.  Have him propose the $25 billion in spending reductions that he wants, and then pass it.  Voila!! No tax vote.