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Jon Fleischman

Random Thoughts For A Thursday

A few random thoughts on the California political scene… (The hashtag version…)

  • Governor Brown’s so-called “pension reform” plan does virtually nothing to make public employee pensions affordable, and does not address the massive unfunded liability to state and local governments. #WHATSTHE POINT
  • This week State Senator Doug LaMalfa introduced legislation on a state income tax form a box for a Californian to donate funds to their state government.  Are Democrats willing to let those who want to do so to voluntarily "chip in" to solve the budget shortfall? #GIVEITATRY
  • Local Redevelopment Agencies need to be abolished.  Many conservative Assemblymembers held off providing the final needed vote because of the politics of staying unified against a June special election.  Well, the June ballot is off the table…  #NOTHINGSTOPPINGYOUNOW
  • A recent story in the San Francisco Chronicle thought it newsworthy that after the election the State GOP Finance Chairman stepped down.  The inconvenient truth is that after every election the State GOP Finance Chairman steps down. #EXHAUSTINGJOB
  • A Chamber of Commerce that has endorsed the Brown plan for five years more of increase sales, income and car taxes forfeits the moral authority to complain about California’s terrible business climate. #DOUBLESTANDARD
  • Senate Bill 493, a terrible piece of anti-business legislation authored by Juan Vargas that negatively targets “big box” stores like WalMart advanced out of its first committee on a party-line vote.  I find it ironic that “landslide” Vargas was narrowly elected in his primary with massive financial backing from the business community. #NOREFUNDAVAILABLE
  • Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger just surpassed 2 million followers on Twitter.  That more people that the population of 14 individual states of the union. #CELEBRITYMATTERS
  • If (God forbid) I was a Republican member of the California State Legislature, I would be prepared to vote for a No New Taxes budget.  Of course the one that would be put in front of me would have so many gimmicks that it won’t be worth a vote. #DEMSWONTACTUALLYPUTUPALLCUTS
  • There only one real motive behind the efforts of Democrats to do-away with California’s early Presidential primary in 2012 – they don’t want the enhanced GOP turnout from a competitive primary (and subdued Democrat turnout from their uncontested one) to create a pro-taxpayer dynamic for initiative measures on the ballot. #MACHIAVELLIANMANEUVER
  • Never hire John Boehner to negotiate on your behalf.  His public insistence that a “shut down” of the federal government in order to enforce fiscal restraint in federal government is “not an option” means that meaningful fiscal restraint will not happen in this Congress. #LOUSYNEGOTIATOR
  • Matt Rexroad, one of California’s leading authorities on redistricting, thinks that a number of incumbent Members of Congress will no longer live in their districts.  Among those he thinks will need a realtor – Mike Thompson and Gary Miller. #LISTYOURHOUSENOW
  • Thanks to Prop. 14, the GOP’s ability to “circle the wagons” behind the top Republican vote-getter in the special election in the 36th Congressional District may not happen.  With six Republican candidates, it is entirely possible that none of them make the runoff. #PROP14SUCKS
  • Some say it is cruel to target government subsidies (schooling, etc.) for illegal immigrant children.  But those very subsidies for their children are a powerful motivator for their parents to illegally enter the country in the first place. #NOTROCKETSCIENCE
  • Texas vs. California:  In California the Assembly Sgt. At arms will now carry semi-automatic handguns to protect legislators.  In Texas they are considering a law to allow legislators to carry their own firearms. #DOITYOURSELF