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Jon Fleischman

SB 594 Is An Easy Bill To Support – Keep “De Facto” Public Funds Out Of Campaigns

When legislators reconvened from their summer recess, I penned a column in which I advised Republicans to be unified and vigilant in opposing efforts by Democrats in the final days of session to expand the size and scope of state government. I also said to keep an eye out for those issues that divide Democrats, because it is in that instance where Republicans, unified, can seize the moment and actually get some wins – governing, as it were, from the minority.

I can think of no better example of where Republican legislators have an opportunity to actually see a positive outcome in this legislative session than with the passage of SB 594 (Hill). Without getting into the technical jargon, this legislation would put and end to an egregious process whereby non-profit entities affiliated with government organizations have been able to literally dump millions of dollars into support and opposition to statewide ballot measures through a financial shell-game.

Let me take a few paragraphs to summarize how this is done, followed with some specific examples of how this dubious but effective technique has been used to the detriment of the freedom and liberty of… Read More

Edward Ring

Saving Pensions Will Require Unions To Face Reality

“Not surprisingly, within moments of news of Detroit’s bankruptcy, pension scare mongers took to their pedestals to place all the blame on pensions. California, Los Angeles, and other governments would surely follow Detroit’s footsteps in short order, they cried. It’s simply not true, like most of the claims made by the anti-pension soldiers who have been trying for years to take away the retirement security of firefighters, teachers, police officers and other public servants.”

Ralph Miller,President, LA County Probation Officers’ Union, AFSCME,Fox & Hounds, August 20th, 2013

Miller has a point. California is not Detroit. California’s population has not imploded, nor will it. Detroit’s economy was reliant on one industry, California’s huge economy is diverse and relatively healthy. Turning California around, while daunting, is going to be a lot easier than turning around Detroit. And, yes, it was a collapsing industrial base and an imploding population that did as much or more… Read More

James V. Lacy

Is California due for a political shift in 2014?

Republican Congressman Devin Nunes of Visalia has summed up the obvious problem presented by California’s tax, spending, and regulatory policy: “(o)ur excessive tax and regulatory burden is killing businesses and driving them to other states.” People have two ways to vote: at the ballot box, and with their feet. At the last November ballot, Californians accepted the invitation of liberal Democrats and enacted the largest state income tax in the country. The result today is 1,700,000 unemployed residents, twice as many unemployed as five years ago. And the liberal Democrats and their special interest allies in control of the state have managed to add even more to the average Californian’s tax burden, enacting in the meantime the highest tax on gasoline at the pump. They are moving forward dozens more of tax increase bills in the Legislature. No wonder so many businesses and high-income individuals are fleeing the state. They are voting with their feet between elections.Read More

Jon Fleischman

More Hypocrisy by Liberal Democrats – National Hispanic Journalist Group Kneels Down to Speaker Perez

Yesterday I wrote about the hypocrisy of liberal Democrats who speak about gender equality and breaking the glass ceiling. Apparently, the supposed party of tolerance, diversity, and equality only applies if you’re a Democratic male.

For the Speaker, if you’re a successful Latino in your field and he disagrees with your point of you, he will not tolerate even sitting on the same panel.

This weekend the National Association of Hispanic Journalists met in Anaheim for their Excellence in Journalism 2013 conference. Their association’s mission states dedication to fostering and promoting a fair treatment of Hispanics by the media. Their conference took an unexpected turn of events when Speaker John Perez demanded that political strategist Hector Barajas’ voice be silent and demanded the National Hispanic Journalist Association remove him from a Latino Vote panel where Hector had been invited to speak and represent the GOP voice. The journalist association shamelessly agreed to the Speaker’s demand.

The… Read More

Tab Berg

Arena Subsidy: Take the online survey

Although professional polling has clearly shown voters want to vote – especially when politicians want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on subsidies and economic stimulus.

CLICK HERE to complete the short survey and share your view!… Read More

Tab Berg

Remarks to Sacramento Press Club on Arena Subsidy

First I will correct the misrepresentation that support for a public vote and a better accounting of hundreds of millions of public dollars is somehow opposing Sacramento or an Arena. It is not.

To start, we need to understand what taxpayers are being asked to subsidize. The subsidy proponent’s talking points characterize the NBA arena as a job-creating economic engine … a phrase that polls well, but is just not true.

The evidence, the data – the science – overwhelmingly tells us arenas don’t create the jobs promised and don’t create an economic boom.

Humphries & Coats, Baade,… Read More

Jon Coupal


Promoters of the California bullet train are behaving like a salesman who gets his foot in the door and won’t take “no” for an answer.

It was 2008 when voters approved $10 billion in bonds to kick start a high speed rail (HSR) building program.But they were promised a system whose total cost would be $45 billion, that additional money would be secured from sources including private investment and that the system would meet environmental concerns.

An expert study sponsored by the Reason Foundation and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation showed the actual cost for this extravagant plan would approach $100 billion or more. “There are no genuine financial projections that indicate there will be sufficient funds,” the authors wrote.… Read More

Frank Schubert

Why AB 1266 – The So-Called Transgendered ‘Rights’ Bill – Should Be Repealed

The human race consists of both male and female. It was designed that way for our good, and the good of humanity itself. The two genders complement each other. The sexual complementarity of men and women is the only union that can produce children. Children, in turn, benefit greatly when their lives are enriched with the unique contributions provided by both genders.

Despite the natural order that gives us male and female genders, there are children who experience confusion about their gender, expressing strong feelings identifying with the gender that is opposite that of their birth. Those children are entitled to love and support, and should be protected from discrimination and bullying in school. Indeed, California already has laws to protect those children by prohibiting discrimination and bullying based on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender non-conforming appearance and behavior.

AB 1266 is not really about protecting transgendered students, since we already have laws on the books to do that. Rather, its purpose is to advance an adult political agenda by special interests who wish to use our public schools as a tool to strip gender and… Read More

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