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Katy Grimes

Arms Trafficking, Anti-Gun CA Senator Sentenced to 5 Years

Former State Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, was just sentenced to only 5 years in prison for selling rocket launchers to Muslim rebels in the Philippines… while pretending to be a public servant. The real crime is that he wasn’t prosecuted for selling rocket launchers; Yee got a plea deal despite admittinghe was part of a racketeering conspiracy that involved planning to use his public office to cut deals for money, conspiring totraffic in weapons, and drug money laundering.

Yee was involved with Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, who was convicted of racketeering, murder and other charges in a huge corruption case that stunned San Francisco and the state’s Democratic Party… Read More

Katy Grimes

What President Obama Should Have Said to the Nation

In Obama’s world, Catholic, Presbyterian and Jewish Americans with guns are more dangerous than heavily armed Islamic terrorists.

In his Oval Office speech to the nation Sunday evening, following the San Bernardino terrorist attacks, President Barack Obama offered no new plan, and no new strategy in the war against Islamic extremism. He was silent about Americans empowering themselves in the face of this latest attack.

The only assurances he gave were to our enemies.

Obama spent more time speaking about anti-Muslim bigotry than he did… Read More