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What has changed?

Governor Schwarzenegger was never a friend to conservatives, he was just a palatable choice who had some sex appeal, and could win we were told.

Credit was given to him for kinda-sorta fixing workers comp and talking a good game on improving the business climate.  And I have opined that the Governor’s Special Election while a lose took guts and should be recognized.


Since the Special Election we have seen a slide, shift, some sort of movement away from Republicans and Republican principles first with the suggestion that it was GOP donors who didn’t put a big enough money sack in the pot to win the Special Election when we all know it was the Governor’s failure to defend himself for months against the relentless union attacks.  Next we saw the proposal for his $50 billion bond further saddling the state with debt.  And now the Kennedy chief of staff appointment.  Her appointment is stick in the eye to ever Republican that held their nose and voted for him.  Worse yet putting a liberal Democrat activist in charge demonstrates to the GOP party faithful that our support, our endorsement, our backing is no longer important to him.