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Barry Jantz

Churchill and Arnold

My thoughts on the Gov’s Chief of Staff…

I’ve been too in shock to comment up ‘til now.

No question that Governor Tom McClintock would never had made such an appointment … but, I guess the question remains whether McClintock would have been in the position to choose.

This is the “age old” debate in the GOP, is it not?  How far are moderates and many conservatives (me among them) willing to go, how much are we willing to give up, to have a Republican in the statehouse at any cost, or in any number of offices, when the “general consensus” is that a true-blue candidate can’t win?

I am reminded of Winston Churchill’s comments after Neville Chamberlain returned from signing the Munich pact, which was the course of appeasement for Great Britain:

"He was given a choice between war and dishonor. He chose dishonor and he will have war anyway."

Before a bunch of hotheads email me in shock that I would compare Susan Kennedy or the Democratic Party to Nazi Germany, I did no such thing.  I quoted Winston Churchill on the issue of appeasement.

Churchill also said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”