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Jon Fleischman

Gray Davis Pleased at Kennedy Hire

Well, the news loves to eat up photo-opportunities like this one.  At any other time, disgraced former  pay-for-play Governor Gray Davis would have slinked into the state capitol for a subdued ceremony to unveil his ‘official’ portrait to adorn some obscure wall on the ‘old site’ of the capitol.  But Gray Davis’ stock is on the rise now, as two of his former Deputy Chief’s of Staff have now taking on two prominent spots as Chief of Staff to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Chief of Staff to First Lady Maria Shriver.  Sound like a nightmare to you?  Me, too.  You couldn’t make this stuff up if you wanted:  Here are two choice quotes for you:

"A gathering such as this usually marks the last page of the last chapter of an administration," she said. "But I’m sure all of you are as pleased as I am that the Davis administration will continue on here with my former deputy chiefs of staff, Susan Kennedy and Daniel Zingale."
– Recalled Governor Gray Davis

"Arnold can now go out and campaign and Susan will stay at the Statehouse and get things done.""
– Democratic State Senator Carole Migden of San Francisco

The State Republican Party Board of Directors will meet with the Governor in the coming days to express their concerns about a Democrat being named to the #1 staff position in the administration.  Concerns are high throughout the GOP ranks about Gray Davis’ former Deputy Chief of Staff, and a former Executive Director of the California Democrat Party (hired by then-Chairman Phil Angelides) directing the day-to-day operations of the Republican administration.  We are also waiting to hear results of a special vote that was taken by the California Republican Assembly’s Board of Directors on whether to sponsor a resolution at the State GOP Convention in two month to withdraw the Governor’s pre-primary endorsement.  Developing…

Governor Schwarzenegger, while speaking to the Republican Governors Association meeting last week in Carlsbad, made as the centerpoint of his remarks, his concerns about the federal government expanding its scope and subordinating the interests of the state government.  You wouldn’t expect this to be happening under the faithful watch of the Grand Ol’ Party, would you?  Well, it’s true.  You can read my column about this which appears in the Capitol Weekly today.

HIGHLIGHTS IN THE NEWS (all on stories you can find on the main page).

*  Congressman Richard Pombo (R-Tracy), a friend of the FlashReport, has really done a great job with his position as Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.  There is a great lead story in the Stockton Record today talking about Pombo’s ambitious plan to give a sorely needed revamp to the Endanged Species Act.

*  Rob Reiner is not running for Governor.  Good.

* Last night, after flying to Washington, D.C. just after being elected in a special election, State Senator John Campbell was sworn into the United States Congress.  Campbell, according to the newspaper, has named is CM, Jim Terry, to be his new Chief of Staff.  This is a good, solid pick.  Terry is an operative that knows how to think a few moves ahead of most.  He will serve the conservative Congressman well.  All eyes are on the District Director pick, which also sets a tone for how the Congressman will treat things back in California.

* Crips gang founder Tookie Williams is on death row, and has been for decades.  He was convicted for multiple brutal murders.  There is a big move afoot by some to seek clemency for Williams from the Governor.  This really throws a basic public policy question to our Governor – is there anything that someone can do, after the fact, to ‘make up’ for murdering people in cold blood?  It really comes down to this – either the Governor believes in the death penalty or he doesn’t. 

The FlashReport will turn its focus on the allogations of corruption in the House of Representatives, much stemming from the horrific case of mega-bribery and Duke Cunningham.  Republicans must self-police, and look at their own…

Have a great day!
