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Jon Fleischman

Alameda GOP Chairman – It’s time to unite around Arnold

When you talk about working in the trenches, I can’t think of a more challenging job than being a Republican in Alameda County — except, to be Chairman of the Alameda County Republican Party.  That is Richard Spees.  Dedicated and hard-working, Richard leads a team of freedom-fighters in promoting the Republican Party in the home county of Jerry Brown, Ron Dellums, Barbara Lee, Don Perata and a cast of left wing socialists (in the case of Dellums, I think I mean that literally.)  Oh yes, Richard was a City Councilman in Oakland for 24 years! 

Richard and I exchanged some emails, and I thought I would share his opinions on two issues, the appointment of Republican Judge Carol Corrigan to the State Supreme Court and the controversy surrounding the appointment of Democrat Susan Kennedy by the Governor to be his Chief of Staff:

Spees on Corrigan:

"The appointmnent of Judge Corrigan is absolutely brilliant and top-notch.  I have known her for many years and watched her mature and grow as a very careful, reasoned person who can be absolutely relied upon.  She will be the best thing that has ever happened to the State Supreme Court."

Spees on Kennedy:

"I must tell you I am very much in disagreement with all the criticism of Arnold’s appointments.  There is great support for the Governor and I believe that the party officials are making a big mistake in overstating the reaction of volunteers to the appointment of Kennedy. The Governor needs to appoint who he feels best serves him in trying to do what the electorate clearly mandated: "work with the legislature and get the job done."    In Alameda County, where it is essential to register Republicans and to appeal to Independents, Decline to States and Conservative Democrats, the Governor is our greatest asset in helping elect him and the Republican ticket and we do not feel good about any effort, however well intended, to divide the party or weaken him or us by the usual partisan politics.   It’s time to rise above it and strongly support the Governor."