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Jon Fleischman

Duf Sundheim, Susan Kennedy breaking bread at Chops

If you are the Chairman of the California Republican Party, and your Republican Governor appoints a Democrat to be his Chief of Staff, what do you do about it?  Well, today, State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim and newly appointed Gubernatorial Chief of Staff Susan Kennedy were seen having lunch at one of Sacramento’s political ‘hot spots’ – Chops steakhouse.

One can only imagine the awkwardness of such a meeting.  You have Kennedy, who has spent a lifetime toiling for Democrat causes (you’ll recall her resume — Deputy CoS for Gray Davis, Comm. Director for Feinstein, Exec. Dir. for both State Dems and Abortion Rights Action League), and is now dealing head-on with the awkwardness of having to break bread with a Republican Party Chairman.  I would imagine the heat that Kennedy took working for pay-for-play Gray Davis was minor compared to going to work for Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Still, she brings into the administration a mind-set, rolodex, and more — all from the Donkey side of things (maybe even an "I trashed Bruce Herschenson" bumper sticker for her office).

On the other side of the table, you have Duf Sundheim.  Sundheim, who bleeds Republican Red, White and Blue, and cut his teeth as Chairman of the influential Lincoln Club of Northern California, is in his second term as Chairman of the State Republican Party.  While it is understandable that he needs to be able to size up this new ‘intruder’ into his GOP Governor’s administration — again, awkward.  Duf’s priority of re-electing this Governor – and bringing along a GOP ticket – means doing what he can to ensure the Governor sticks to a ‘live within your means’ limited government approach to policy. 

Kennedy, undoubtedly, is trying to convince Chairman Sundheim of her very real commitment to the Governor, and her commitment to implementing his vision, his policy objectives.  Sundheim is certainly being his polite and courteous self, sizing up exactly what he has to deal with in this Democrat operative running the Governor’s office (in his mind remembering this woman has stated she has never voted for a Republican).

I had two people ‘alert me’ to this lunch (one must presume there was a desire to ‘be seen’ or else why go to a ‘be seen’ popular political hangout?).  One of the people, a Democrat, was actually sarcastic, and wrote, "You should know our sellout Susan Kennedy is having lunch at Chops right now with your Party Chairman – probably re-registering."

When they leave lunch, though, Kennedy will open her PDA and check off her "Meet with GOP boss" and move onto her next priority.  Sundheim, on the other hand, is probably nodding his head with disbelief about the situation.  Personable, yes.  Engaging, undoubtedly.  Smart and shrewd, for sure.  But Kennedy is a lifelong Democrat who turned her youthful hero-worship of Jane Fonda into a full fledge career on behalf of liberal causus, including activist causes with Fonda’s ex, Tom Hayden (Hayden and Fonda pictured above to the right).

Tomorrow the CRP Board will meet, and the facts really don’t change.  Susan Kennedy has become a symbol to his board members, to state party members, and to thousands of GOP activists in the state.  Duf, a gentleman, likely did not ask Susan Kennedy to resign for the sake of her new boss’ re-election ("Susan, for the sake of GOP morale, you must resign!" LOL).  But the real question is this, will he and the other State GOP board members, with constituents to represent, ask the Governor to find her a new job?  Duf, we feel for you.  This is NOT what you signed up for!

PS:  I hope one of them had the prime rib sandwich — it’s great there!