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Jon Fleischman

SacBee Catchup – Walters, Weintraub, and Social Engineering

At o’dark thirty, when I was compiling news stories, for some reason I couldn’t get onto the Sacramento Bee website. There is an article and two columns there that I would have put on the main page (I won’t bother since 2/3 of FR readers have read that page already. Though i will include both of the columns tomorrow. Anyways, here are the three links that should have been on the main site this morning:

DAN WALTERS COLUMN: Governor miscalculated, fumbled as he declared his war.
Dan is penning a ten-column series critical of the Governor’s performance.

DAN WEINTRAUB COLUMN: If Arnold could just get ‘er done, he’d be fine.

If you really want to get angry, you can read about the latest chapter in big-government social engineering:
Solar plan resurrected by PUC. 
The grand ‘socal engineering’ plan is back again. I have no plans to put a solar roof on my house…wait…what was that?…you’ll give me a big check?…you mean other people have worked hard, paid taxes to the state, and now I will have those funds handed to me if I just do what the government wants me to do? Sounds like a deal!  It sounds like your energy bill will go up an average of $6 or so bucks a year to pay for this boondoggle.