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Mike Spence

Where did Arnold go?

Rather than recount the sell out of small government Republicans by the Gov. in his State of the State speech. I want to ask some questions about a different speech I heard Aug. 31, 2004. In it he describes what it is to be a Republican and what traits he like in Pres. Bush. You can read the whole thing here.

First he starts out describing the Soviet threat and about his coming to America. then he leads into why is a Republican. Some are about foreign policy, but here is a really good one

"If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does, then you are a Republican!" Please, someone tell me how the Arnold $222 billion dolllar plan fits that statement.

And what about this from the RNC Speech "Now they say India and China are overtaking us. Don’t you believe it! We may hit a few bumps — but America always moves ahead! That’s what Americans do!" What has changed Governor, now we are to emulate Red China’s optimism.

Then on Pres. Bush. "That’s what I admire most about the President. He’s a man of perseverance.

He’s a man of inner strength. He is a leader who doesn’t flinch, doesn’t waiver, does not back down." 

If only we had someone like that as a Governor.