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Nothing Noble About Wearing a Wire

Time Magazine is reporting that ex-Congressman Duke Cunningham wore a wire in cooperation with the FBI before he publicly admitted to being on the take and resigning in disgrace.

As you may remember, I am not a fan of federal prosecutors (see my previous post here) but I have even more distain for rats.  Those among us who would for their own personal gain abuse friendship and a history of trust to entrap someone else are some of the lowest of the low.

It’s a sad day when any office holder is found or admits to being guilty of crimes against the very people they represent.  But even worse to me is the crime of being a rat which is punishable with a total and complete void of ever being able to be trusted by anyone, ever again.

So to ex-Rep. Cunningham I say if the reports of your having worn a wire are true: good riddance!