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Jon Fleischman

Shadegg candidacy great news!

The FlashReport has a very narrow focus on California politics.  So why this short column on the importance of an Arizona Congressman running to replace Tom DeLay as Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives?  Well, an ancillary effect of his candidacy is significant California news, because Shadegg is stepping down as Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, one of the top leadership posts.  None other than "our own" Darrell Issa is now campaigning for this seat (read more about it on the FR Weblog).

Arizona Congressman John Shadegg is a leader of the Republican Study Committee.  Last week, we featured a column from Congressman Ed Royce, another strong conservative Congressman, on the importance of the efforts of the RSC.  Frankly, the current leadership of the House of Representatives has failed in its primary mission.  When Republicans control both the Presidency and both houses of the federal legislature, that is not supposed to mean that we will ‘run government better’ — it is supposed to mean that we will significantly dismantle the massive growth that the national government has seen in size and scope over the past 50 years.  It means that in the great balancing act between whether power in this country is with the government or with the individual, Republican control of government should mean a steady march towards empowering individuals.  The single most important and effective way to accomplish this?  Shrink the federal government, and shrink the federal tax burden on individuals, families and businesses.

The current House Leadership has all of the right rhetoric, but they are achieving no significant victories.  As a matter of fact, they have presided over GROWTH in federal spending.  We are going the WRONG WAY.  I’m not saying that the hearts of Speaker Dennis Hastert and his leadership team aren’t in the right place — but if they are vigorously pursuing an agenda to achieve the goals I outlined, they are keeping in a secret.  Word is not getting down to this level, only the (lack of) results.  They can blame who they want (the President, or the moderate ‘mainstreet’ Republicans in the House, but leadership bears the responsibility).

Shadegg’s election to the #2 spot would herald a new commitment to ending this politics-as-usual aura of the House, and really gin-up efforts to reign in and reduce federal programs and spending.  I’m not saying that either of the other two candidates for leader are bad people, or that they aren’t on board with this agenda.  But unlike them, Shadegg has demonstrated leadership, and a willingness to make noise and stand up when the word from ‘on high’ was to spend more money on more programs.

I’m not a student of the politics of the House, and I would imagine Shadegg would have a significant uphill battle to win this post.  But he should be commended for his run (and giving up his current leadership post to do so).  Each and every Republican Congressman who publicly endorses and supports Shadegg is also a patriot, and is sending an important statement to their colleagues – it is time to get serious about why we are here.  It is time to actually show that Republicans are willing to shrink government.

We will keep an eye on how our California Republicans come down on this most-important election in Congress.

Good luck, Congressman Shadegg!  Californian’s pay the most taxes into the federal treasury, so we have the most to gain if you can get us back some of it!

[Disclaimer:  This endorsement by the FlashReport of Shadegg’s bid for Majority Leader is that of the site, and its Publisher Jon Fleischman, not necessarily an endorsement of any of the contributors of the site.]