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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

County Board of Ed Update… In the wake of last Monday’s vote by the GOP "majority" on the SD County Board of Ed to appoint Democrat Sharon Jones to a vacancy in what is clearly a Republican seat (see Jon’s excellent post-commentary), the GOP is moving quickly to consolidate behind one candidate in this year’s election.  Arkan Somo and Rick Winet, who both applied for the vacancy, have been mentioned.  Watch the GOP pull out all stops to winnow the field to one.

Eric Roach – 50th Congressional… In his extensive summary of this newcomer posted last Monday, Jon indicated, "I will be interested to hear what our FR contributors from San Diego County, Barry Jantz and Duane Dichiara, have to say about this new twist in this very high-profile special election."  

Right, Jon, you post 327 column inches on the subject, and then you want us to add something?!  Not much to add, as you hit all the nails on the head…money, self-made status, great story, outsider, conservative…a few other candidates (maybe all of them) are clearly worried about Roach.  Great TV ads too!

California history is littered with the political carcasses of those with money that have come out of virtual nowhere and failed.  Purchasing quick name ID with loads of money also purchases something else…the public’s knowledge of how you suddenly gained their knowledge of you, with loads of money.  That hasn’t worked for some, as the electorate often picks experience over wealth.  

On the other hand, and this is a BIG other hand, given all that has taken place in San Diego in recent months, especially in Duke’s very backyard…experience, given the current climate, may also be equated with being an insider, and that may not be a good thing (with all due respect to my friends Kaloogian and Morrow).  The political timing may be right (and ripe) for an outsider that has experience outside of politics, even with the purchased name ID.  Add public perception to Eric Roach’s resume and wallet, and you have one formidable candidate.

The only thing that would make this race even MORE interesting…County Supe Pam Slater-Price’s entry.

Jim Galley – 51st Congressional…
Any truth to the rumor that Galley will not run for the dubious right to lose in November to either Bob Filner or Juan Vargas?  With folks like Maria Garcia and Mike Giorgino deciding no-mas, will the GOP even field a candidate?  Jim (or anyone), please tell me here at the FlashReport.

Greg Sandoval – 79th Assembly… The SDUT and SD Politics Blog both mentioned this week Democrat Sandoval jumping in against Mary Salas, now that Nick Inzunza has decided to instead address his run-down properties.  I had to laugh at a post at SD Politics by someone named "Tired in the Southbay":

"Let’s see – 

"Juan Vargas’ first hand-picked successor (Ralph Inzunza) used his office to take bribes from a strip club owner.

"Juan Vargas’ second hand-picked successor (Nick Inzunza) was a slum lord who, when caught red-handed, blamed his troubles on his wife.

Now Juan Vargas has a third hand-picked successor – if this one lives up to his predecessors, he probably worships satan and steals candy from children." 

I guess that just affirms how much fun politics can be!  Later.

4 Responses to “Sunday San Diego”

  1. Says:

    Take this with the grain of salt, because I am part on Team Bilbray, but have any GOP insiders ever talked to Mr. Roach in person? Has he ever been to a county party meeting? As of a few months ago, he was registered to vote in the Bay area. I would like to hear from one person that has talked to this guy. There was another rich guy that came out of the blue a while back that put up tons of TV and mail. His name Mayor Steve Francis

  2. Says:

    Anything Phil says I don’t take with a grain of salt. And, he is correct about Roach being invisible to party insiders prior to this. Steve Francis is an example of one of the political carcasses I mentioned. Yet, initially his money gave him credibility. Roach? Future carcass, perhaps, but a “live one” for the moment.

  3. Says:

    I actually agree with Phil about this Roach guy. It’s nice to have a lot of money to throw around, but what has he done with the grassroots? Has he been active with the causes near and dear to conservatives or is he all just talk? I know one thing for sure about the guy….with all his money, his consultants are going to win big. Isn’t this is a great country.

  4. Says:

    This was sent to me, so I am passing it along:

    Dear Barry,

    It is to early to say I’m out of the 51st contest, I will
    stay to the bitter end. My statement was if I don’t raise my filing fee of 1680.00 by March 10th I will drop out. I know of all the candidates I have contributed to will come to my aid to help with the filing fee. After the primary is when we Republicans can get serious and take back the 51st, which was held by Bilbray and Cunningham. As you know, I like a good fight (for example the Yes on 75 campaign, for which I was a spokesperson). Filner and Vargas need to be put out to


    Jim Galley