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Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Inland Councilman Faces Willie Brown on Fox’s O’Reilly Tonight

I just got off the phone with City of Highland Councilman Larry McCallon (pictured right), who is currently at the Fox News studios in Los Angeles preparing to tape a segment of The O’Reilly Factor that’s scheduled to air today at 5 p.m. and again at 8 p.m. Pacific time.  His counterpart on the program is scheduled to be Willie Brown, former Mayor of San Francisco and former longtime "Ayatollah" of the State Assembly.

As you may recall, in my February 15 post I called on Fox News to get on this developing local story in San Bernardino County about the City of Highland, whose Council recently enacted a policy prohibiting its employees and public officials from spending taxpayer dollars attending conferences, seminars or forums in San Francisco — basically boycotting the City by the Bay.  This was in response to San Francisco voters’ approval in November of a non-binding measure opposing the military seeking new recruits from local high schools.

My exact words were: "…(S)omeone needs to pitch Fox this story about this comparatively tiny city of Highland (population: 50,000) standing up for our armed services against a megalopolis 400 miles away whose residents mostly couldn’t care less what Fox News or San Bernardino County or the rest of the country thinks about them and their views."

Well, we know Fox reads the L.A. Times, which had covered it.  We damned sure know Fox reads the S.F. Chronicle, which recently also covered the Highland flap.  Read it here.  And we also know the Chronicle reads the FlashReport Blog.  Read about it in the attached file at the end of this post.

So today’s the day this story finally begins to get the national attention it deserves.  Kudos to Councilman McCallon, a Republican Central Committee member, who even said he would mention the FR Blog to the Fox people when he got down there with the producers.  We won’t hold our breath for a FR plug, though.

So remember…tune in to Fox News at 5 or 8 tonight for a four-minute segment about a city from California’s largest county vs. a city from California’s most liberal county.

One Response to “Inland Councilman Faces Willie Brown on Fox’s O’Reilly Tonight”

  1. Says:

    Way to go Larry. You looked great.
    Ed Laning