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Jon Fleischman

GOP Convention, and Republican Judges

Today’s main page is loaded with a ton of material today, and took an exceptionally long amount of time (I’ve been at it since 6am) to put together.  Because of it, I won’t be able to expound long in today’s commentary.

Tomorrow I will be writing on the State Republican Party Convention, and what I expect to see happen there.  If you want a preview, you can see how I artfully got Carla Marinucci to quote me saying "green eggs & ham" in a sentence in her pre-convention piece in the San Francisco Chronicle, which is featured on the main page.

Speaking of the GOP Convention – there are two exciting ways to enhance your participation if you are going, and are a reader of the FlashReport!  Both are highlighted on the main page — we are having a great panel discussion featuring many of the contributors you read on the FR Weblog (sign up now, it is almost full), and also I am pleased to thank Congressman Darrell Issa who is throwing a party to celebrate the tremendous success we’ve had in our five months of being online!  Equally exciting is that in additional to Congressman Issa, we will also have as our special guest John Fund, editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal.  John, as many FR readers know, has many times been awarded the "Golden Pen Award" on this site for his many great columns!

I did want to draw attention to a column submitted to me by Steve Baric, the President of the California Republican Lawyers Association.  Steve and I spoke and he is deeply troubled by the significant numbers of Democrats that are being appointed as Judges by our Republican Governor.  We spoke for a while because all loyal Republicans have to struggle with how you give input to a Republican officeholder when they, in your opinion are going astray.  To hear Steve talk about the important role of Judges, and the significant impact that their judicial philosophy plays in the decisions that they make, and you really start to understand the magnitude of this issue.

There are many who tend to downplay the importance of whether a judge is a Republican or a Democrat because they are ‘non-partisan’ offices – which is to say that when a Judge runs for office, no political party appears next to their name.  But as State GOP Vice-Chairman has taught all of us to say, "there is no such thing as a non-partisan office."

The reason why somebody registers to be a Republican instead of a Democrat is usually because of their philosophical or ideological leanings or beliefs.  It is that grounding, or belief system, on which a judge relies as they hear cases and make decisions.

I told Steve that he should definitely put his thoughts in writing, and we can encourage a public debate.  At the end of the day, I think that if we do a better job of explaining to the Governor the importance of the political convictions of judicial candidates, we will start to see more Republicans and less Democrats being appointed. 

Steve is a loyal Republican who, as a Deputy District Attorney, sees the travesty wreaked on the criminal justice system when we have liberal judges.

Given that these judges will be serving on the bench long after the Governor retires (in 2010!), it is important that he leave a Republican legacy in the courts!

Have a great day!


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