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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Tom – It’s Time For Congress

Tom McClintock needs to drop out of the long shot, virtually impossible run at Lt. Governor and run for Congress NOW.  The GOP majority is a rudderless, uninspiring bunch that is in dire need of intellectual arguments against the hate filled left.  Elton Gallegly may be a great guy, but he brought nothing but a reliable vote to the table.  

This could be the one chance we have in Washington to have a positive, conservative agenda.  Tom McClintock – you are not going to be the Lt. Governor this fall but if you run for Congress, you will be the Congressmen.  It’s time to run for a seat you can win and keep for a long time.  Where do I send my $2,000?

3 Responses to “Tom – It’s Time For Congress”

  1. Says:

    “The GOP majority is …in dire need of intellectual arguments against the hate filled left.” Well put. The GOP in California needs less attitude (I am thinking specifically of some AM talk radio hosts) and more logical discourse. If we do not manifest some middle ground soon between the unquestioned assumptions on the left and the blustering diatribes on the right, we will lose the interest of our youth, our small voice in the media and our portion of the California electorate. People like McClintock are key.
    However, Der Manouel may be right. If getting elected in California is impossible for McClintock, then for God’s sake, let’s not waste him here. Have him run for Congress.

  2. Says:

    What conservatives in California need is the courage of their convictions! The LA Times poll late in the 2003 recall showed that more CONSERVATIVES thought a conservative like Senator McClintock could NOT get elected statewide in California than did the general voting population: That is folks like you Mike!

    Senator McClintock now has over 80% name ID, over a million bucks in the bank and a strong grassroots network that delivered over $19,000 in SMALL contributions just this last Monday alone!

    Senator McClintock is going to end the myth that conservative cannot get elected statewide in California in the 21st Century and we could use the help: Sign up at and yes, we could also use the $2,000!

  3. Says:

    Well said, John.

    When conservatives don’t get squishy and vote our principles AND back our candidates, we win. Especially considering Tom’s wide approval and high marks across the board, not just from Republicans.

    Congressman Tom McClintock might have been a nice thorn in the side of drunken-sailor Bush spending, but when Lt. Gov. McClintock becomes the natural choice to move one more step up – we’ll know it was the right move.