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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Lewis is Clueless

The fact that the Democrats are even contemplating a competitive November election season is more a statement about Republican leadership than anything.  We KNOW the Democrats have zero agenda.  Yet, they might win some seats in the House and Senate this fall.  Why?  Representatives like Jerry Lewis, who evidently doesn’t get back home much to listen to the people, don’t understand the conservative malaise they have caused.  In my column for the Lincoln Club almost 15 months ago I outline exactly what issues threaten the Republican Majority.  Congressmen Lewis’ response to the Wall Street Journal editorial is not an encouraging sign.

The federal budget is now over $2.7 trillion – from just over $1.2 trillion when the "revolution" started in 1995 under Newt Gingrich.  Any Republican Member of Congress defending that record doesn’t deserve reelection.