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Jon Fleischman

Roach puts up radio spot in CD 50

In what would be the strongest indicator yet that conservative businessman Eric Roach is actively looking at a run in the closed-GOP primary for the full two-year term to represent the 50th Congressional District — Roach has launched a new radio spot.

The spot, which thanks voters for the opportunity to connect with them during the campaign, has Roach talking about what he feels are important issues — such as having a representative of the people, not of special interests – transportation, immigration, budget reform.

When was the last time you heard of a candidate running ads AFTER their election?  No, this is a clear sign that Roach is keeping his options open, and keeping his ‘feet in the water’ so-to-speak while he decides what he wants to do.

The donnybrook in the special election favored the moderate Bilbray because of two factors – a fractionalized GOP vote, and the fact that Democrats and Decline-to-State voters could cross over and vote for a Republican candidate (Bilbray send campaign materials to these folks).  The real question is whether the conservative 50th District should be sending someone back to Washington, D.C., who will confront the number one issue imperiling the GOP majority in Washington, a failure to keep the party’s commitment to lower taxes, less spending and a limited role for the federal government.

We’ll see what happens in the coming days and weeks, but while there is no doubt that Bilbray would be a better Congressman than ultra-liberal Francine Busby (and therefore deserves your ‘aye’ vote in the special run-off to fill out Duke’s term), my conversations with people who served with Bilbray in Congress, or who worked with his staff, have convinced me that this is not a movement conservative – not even close.  At best, Bilbray will become a "yes man" for the current House Leadership, who will not bring to the floor the kind of meaningful spending reduction votes to expose the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) or in a worst-case scenario, Bilbray ends up being a part of this group of rebel moderate GOPers who actively thwart our Party’s chance to reduce government redistribution of funds, and instead put it back into the pockets of taxpayers.

We’ll see how all of this develops…  Attached is Roach’s new ad for your listening pleasure!

2 Responses to “Roach puts up radio spot in CD 50”

  1. Says:

    It will be very interesting if Roach decides to run.

  2. Says:

    It’s an ok spot…but clearly, as jon intimates, is designed to keep Roach’s name out there. I think it was a mistake when he said, “this is our community”…that’s just a big fat opening to remind voters that he just registered a few months ago…you can’t throw them softballs if you want to play in the big leagues…but what do I know I’m a big fat loser.