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Mike Spence

Where’s the Beef? Not in Brentwood

Where’s the beef? 

Well according the son-in-law of Robert Redford—author Eric Schlosser it’s in the hamburger but that hamburger is made from about 1000 different cows.

It’s factoids like this that Schlosser, author of “Fast Food Nation” and a new book aimed at kids “Chew on this” that make you question whether McDonalds is such a good idea the next time you are on the road with the kids.  But read a little deeper and you’ll find the demented mind of an author who wants a federal bureaucracy to oversee the frying station and a guy who probably has at least a little racism in him.

“The same demographic groups widely employed at fast food restaurants—the young and the poor—are also responsible for much of the nation’s violent crime.”

 -Eric Schlosser in his book Fast Food Nation

Why do I even care about this guy and the millions he makes off of books?  Especially now that I’m on a well publicized weight loss campaign (

Well on Thursday he’s a making an appearance in LA at the Brentwood School (at least one of the Schwarzenegger kids attends this ultra-liberal, super-expensive institution).  His book tour includes talking to kids about the dangers of fast food.  It is not so funny though that the Brentwood School has glossed over the fact that Schlosser has said that he would rather have his kids smoke pot than drink alcohol and that he advocates the legalization of drugs. 


I can applaud the enterprising nature of a writer with a good PR team that will help him make another million dollars off this new book, but I am not fooled into thinking Schlosser should be held up in high regard for students to see as a role model.  His wacky ideas about drugs and the fact that he condemns a whole class of people just because they manage to hold down a job in an industry he reviles is why he would not be welcome at any school in my school district.





4 Responses to “Where’s the Beef? Not in Brentwood”

  1. Says:

    My trucking company and export business are currently running diesel engines on french fry oil…a bio-diesel fuel that runs as well as petro-based diesel. It is an economic decision for me as we are saving more than over a buck per gallon.

    Schlosser should appreciate the fact that McDonalds is saving the environment…at least in my little world. Maybe he should write about that.

  2. Says:

    I just wanted to say that I share your concerns about the author and his potential agendas regarding drugs and pornography, etc. I am glad that you are getting some of this information out there.

  3. Says:

    Unfortunately, I am not the proud parent of any students at the Brentwood School, but if I was I would be outraged that my child was going to be subjected to the smoke addled brain of this guy. I’d be afraid that he’d go on a racist rant like his cohort Spurlock did last month in PA or worse. Just goes to show you how unbalanced academia has become.

  4. Says:

    Hi Mike. It concerns me greatly that Schlosser is speaking to our children about best practices. I do not feel he has qualifications to talk to my children regarding any issue! I have some serious reservations about his character, morals and motivation. Glad to know I am not the only parent with these concerns!