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Jon Fleischman

Entire GOP Ticket Headlines OC Lincoln Club Annual Dinner

While Democrats are engaged in an 1500 delegate ‘food fight’ in Sacramento, as the forces and minions of Phil Angelides and Steve Westly wrestle over which (if either) Democrat will end up with an official State Democratic endorsement for Governor, California’s Republican ticket for statewide office couldn’t have been more unified.

Last evening, I attended the Orange County Lincoln Club’s annual membership dinner banquet at the gorgeous Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach.  The guest of honor…  EVERY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ON THE PRIMARY BALLOT!  That’s right, while the top-billing for this ‘Lincoln-Club Members Only’ (and invited guests) event of over 400 people were Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his running mate, State Senator Tom McClintock, every other candidate vying for the Republican nomination for a statewide office was at the dinner, working the room, and meeting the influential members of Orange County’s most prestigious Republican organization.

When I say EVERY candidate, I mean every candidate.  In addition to Schwarzenegger and McClintock, also there were Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, Treasurer candidates Claude Parrish and Assembyman Keith Richman, Controller candidates Tony Strickland and State Senator Abel Maldonado, Attorney General candidate State Senator Chuck Poochigian, Insurance Commissioner candidate Steve Poizner, and even Board of Equalization candidates Michelle Steel and Assemblyman Ray Haynes.

Other GOP luminaries attending the event included Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, Assemblyman Van Tran, Assemblyman Bob Huff, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore Supervisors Bill Campbell and Chris Norby, and Sheriff Mike Carona!  There was even a ‘drop bys’ from State Senator Sam Aanastad and Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, who had attended an event nearby.  I’m sure I have missed folks, but this is almost everyone.  Of course, the Grand Old Party was well represented by State Chairman Duf Sundheim and County Chairman Scott Baugh.  Of course we should add that our own FR Orange County Correspondents Adam Probolsky and Matt Cunningham were seen all around the event.

The program for the evening was in three parts — first Governor Schwarzenegger spoke (the Governator needed to speak early in order to shoot over to the nearby convention of the California College Republicans).  The Governor was given a splendid introduction by Lincoln Club Chairman (and Immediate Past President) Tracy Price.  In introducing the Governor, Price took a few minutes to walk attendees through the pivotal leadership and financial role that the club played in the recall movement, injecting cash and enthusiasm into the drive to recall Davis when it otherwise may have faltered.  He also talked about how the club was quick to endorse Schwarzenegger as the candidate who could beat the Democrats.

The ‘scene-stealing’ line of the night was when Tracy proclaimed this an event of the "True Majority" – a not-so-veiled shot off the left-flank to the major Orange County GOP finance group, the New Majority.  The two enjoy a spirited rivalry. 

The Governor spoke for about 25 minutes before he then literally worked the entire room, going from table to table.  After roasting Price for a minute over his introduction, the Governor laid out his agenda for California, speaking as a true optimist.  Predictably for the solid-GOP organization, there was rousing applause as the Governor talked about the need for fiscal restraint, and much more tepid (some would say ‘polite’ clapping) when he circled around to his ‘Green Governor’ remarks.  The Governor received a hearty and long standing ovation from everyone when he finished up his speech.

After the Governor’s speech, the Lincoln Club unveiled a new DVD presentation (which was distributed to attendees) on the Lincoln Club itself, that was very impressive and well-done.  It talked about the rich history of the club, the very real impacts of the organization, and all of the ways that one can get involved with an organization that is making a difference in electing Republicans, and opposing liberals!

Then came the speech from the very popular State Senator Tom McClintock.  McClintock was introduced by former Lincoln Club President Mike Capaldi, who really came a splendid warm-up for the Senator.  McClintock’s speech was really divided into two parts — the first a rousing talk about the accomplishments of the Schwarzenegger Administration.  McClintock reminded everyone that the election would be about ‘whether or not you are better off today than when this administration took office — and the answer is a resounding YES!’ The second part of the Senator’s speech was a reminder of all of the liberal things that the Democrats have promised to do when they get elected (the litany went on for some time).  Of course, McClintock took the opportunity to share his great polling numbers (he has the highest positive name ID of any candidate running down-ticket of either party) and talked about how this election is a pivotal one for the future of all Californians.  It was a great speech!

I did want to take a moment to note the extremely warm reception given to Dana Point Councilwoman Diane Harkey, who recently narrowly lost her bid for the California State Senate.  She not only received hearty applause, but she garnered a standing ovation from the entire room.  Everyone knows it is a shame that the labor unions came in at the end with over $200,000 in Independent Expenditures for Assemblyman Tom Harman.

I am sure that there are many people who, behind the scenes, worked hard to put together this successful event.  But the two ‘up-front’ congratulations go to Lincoln Club President Rich Wagner, and to the club’s Executive Director, longtime FR friend Beth Holder!

As special FR ‘shout out’ to longtime friend Dan Livingson, the Membership Committee Chairman of the Lincoln Club, for being named the organization’s Member of the Year!  Well done, Dan!

I would like to express a special thank you to the FlashReport’s roving photographer, Orange County Supervisor Bill Campbell, who snapped that great photo of the GOP candidates, and e-mailed it to me last night.  We’ll be looking for more great photos from the ‘official’ FR photographer!

The event was a huge achievement for the Lincoln Club of Orange County.  Not only having the Governor speak to their annual dinner, but having the entire ticket attend.  It is a clear sign that the Lincoln Club is doing better than ever!  When I asked longtime Lincoln Club Board Member if he thought there was a message to ‘rival’ GOP finance group The New Majority (besides Tracy Price’s obvious jab), the irrepressible Johns smiled, and simply said, "Come on in, the water’s warm!"

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