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Congressman John Campbell

A not so golden pen

I was struggling about what to discuss in my first blog to the FlashReport. And then Jon Fleischman ran the as the “golden pen” a column by Arnold’s former budget Director Tom Campbell (no relation). Jon, you handed me an issue on a golden platter.

Tom Campbell wrote about how we should let the state taxing authority (the franchise tax board (FTB)) fill out our tax returns on line. I could not disagree more.

I fought this issue while in the state legislature and am now fighting it in Washington with the IRS. As a taxpayer, you want to pay the lowest possible amount of tax that is legal. That is not the IRS’s goal. There are many gray areas in the tax law. The IRS will not interpret them to your advantage. It’s a conflict of interest. It’s like letting another player play your poker hand.

There are various commercial services (like Turbo tax) that have free online tax preparation programs if you want to save a buck on preparation. They have a motivation to help you find the lowest legal tax. But let’s not make policy that makes the IRS (or FTB) your taxing judge, jury and executioner.

And for the record, I am a CPA with a Masters degree in Taxation, so I know that of which I speak.

3 Responses to “A not so golden pen”

  1. Says:

    Congressman Campbell, congratulations on joining the FlashReport. I agree with you 100%. Sometime our leaders sacrifice commonsense for ease of use. We must not let the IRS begin the process of pre-judging our taxes. Keep up the good work. s/Jim Palmer

  2. Says:

    Yeah I’m going to let the IRS figure out what my tax bill is. NOT. I’d like to know who would actually let them do this for you because I know a good mental institution for them if that’s the case. How ridiculous. Can you say conflict of interest.

  3. Says:

    Yeah, Allan…me too… I’ll let them calculate it for me…Right!