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Mike Spence

Rosemead Recall is on!

After several judicial decisions that involved issues about multi-lingual ballots at the Ninth Circuit, the recall of two of three Pro-Wal-Mart council memebrs is on! See the article here. Unions initially started the drive against Wal-Mart, but it now being used by up amd coming politicians to take out the "old Guard". Mayor Jay Imperial is a good Republican. See previous posts starting here.

I do hope to see everyone at the Rosemead Wal-Mart grand opening this fall–regardeless of recall outcome.

One Response to “Rosemead Recall is on!”

  1. Says:

    Do good Republicans spend their career flaunting sec. 203 of the Voting Rights Act, to the point where the city gets sued by the U.S. Department of Justice? (see Do good Republicans only care about the Voting Rights Act when it gives them a chance to avoid an election? Do good Republicans sue their own city in a desperate attempt to avoiding having to face the will of the people? Do good Republicans cost their city treasury some $400,000 in legal expenses, all for the purely selfish goal of staying in office a few months longer? Do good Republicans think that holding political office should be a life-time vocation? Do good Republicans think that they know better than the people they represent what direction their city ought to be heading? If you answer yes to all of those questions, well then, sure: Jay Imperial is a good Republican. Otherwise, I would suggest that you find a better role model.

    Regardless, there is another error in your post. “Unions” didn’t start the petition drive. The recall drive was entirely home grown. Recall petitions could only be circulated by voters who were registered in Rosemead. They had to be gathered one by one, door to door. That took the dedication and commitment of scores of volunteers from Rosemead. There were no “union bosses” involved.

    Why do Wal-Mart boosters find it so hard to understand that they’re not fighting “unions”; they’re finding the people of Rosemead. We’re the ones who keep asking for a chance to vote, and they’re the ones who keep pulling every string they can find to try to keep the election off the ballot.