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Jon Fleischman

Highlights from the day’s news

  • As we close in on the final days of the Democratic primary for Governor, it is becoming quite the pro-tax fest as both Angelides and Westly seek to out-do each other on defining a larger, more expansive role for State Government that their opponent.  There are a number of pieces in the news today that analyze the race — an L.A. Times poll now has Angelides and Westly in a dead heat.  My take on the race is that Angelides has one thing going for him — I believe that voter turnout on both sides of the aisle will be low.  If this is the case, then the core Democratic vote will be made up primary of true liberal believers and union-workers who turnout in all elections.  These two groups will tend to favor Phil Angelides, who is a more traditional liberal candidates, and who sports the endorsement of the California Democratic Party.  I’ve chosen to highlight the analysis today in the SDUT by veteran political reporter John Marelius — you may want to check it out.
  • FR friend Dan Weintraub has an interesting column in the Sacramento Bee today that highlights one aspect of Governor Schwarzenegger’s budget about which he is unimpressed — Weintraub argues that Schwarzenegger has put too many strings on dollars intended for local education.  It’s worth a read.
  • If you have any doubt about how liberal the two candidates are that are running for Governor on the Democrat side of the aisle, don’t miss John Seiler’s piece today.  John is a long-time editorial writer for the Orange County Register and his piece, "Left and Lefter" really makes you understand what a chasm that there truly is between the admittedly moderate Arnold Schwarzenegger and the two socialist lefties battling it out for the change to face off the Terminator.
  • Don’t miss SF Chronicle Matier & Ross columnists’ piece today on Dianne Feinstein and her hubby, kagillionaire (ie… VERY RICH) Richard Bloom, and how they inadvertently (they say) managed to gut a public garden in front of their new mansion.  It’s pretty funny.
  • Finally, there is an interesting piece in today’s OC Register that uses Assemblyman Van Tran’s hopping voting registration to discuss the issue of legislators ‘live’ in Sacramento most of the time.  Tran and his wife have a home they purchased in West Sacramento, and he is registered to vote in the district at the home of his parents.  This happens a lot as the demands of being in Sacramento as part of a full-time legislature make it a tug-of-war to be in the Capitol, or with your family…

Have a great day!

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