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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

A Corn-fed revolt, coming your way…

Eminent domain reform taking place in many states has Iowa now as a bellwether of what regular folks think of what EmDo has morphed into.

An eminent domain reform bill, passed overwhelmingly by the Iowa legislature this spring, was vetoed by Democrat presidential hopeful, Governor Tom "No Chance" Vilsack (pictured) in June.  This bipartisan effort in response to Kelo vs. New London that OK’d taking private property for other private use, with the ‘public use’ fig leaf justification being more tax dollars for the government.  Iowa’s House passed it by 89-5 and their Senate by 43-6.  

Nice career move Guv.  This ignited a prairie fire that culminated in their legislature reconvening from adjournment for the year [they would’ve been out for six months, ahem] for consideration of an override.  The override passed overwhelmingly as well with only 8 no votes in each house of a total of 150 members…with even legislative Dems cutting loose Vilsack like a burning boat.  Of course it should be a bi-partisan or better a non-partisan issue.  

Regular folks descending on their Capitol overcame all the usual power brokers involved in government, on a very populist issue.  Our own Proposition 90 is our chance to do the same over the nonsense excuses made by those that enjoy the power to take what’s yours at a whim.