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Jon Fleischman

The flight and the veto

My flights home to “The OC” from Sacramento always make for some interesting posts (well, to me anyways). Previous flights have been loaded with legislators and luminaries (not that I do not include legislators AS luminaries).

This flight is more subdued. I did have a chance to chat briefly with Bill Habermehl, who is Orange County’s elected Superintendent of Public Instruction. We took a few minutes to discuss the swirl of bad publicity around Capistrano Unified School District Superintendent Jim Fleming. If you need more info on this, you can ‘google’ it up. I did tell Bill that Fleming is close to a tipping point that would ultimately lead to his ouster. As for Habermehl’s take…well, he probably doesn’t want his take on the www…

This post is a good opportunity to praise President Bush for his veto of the controversial legislation on his desk having to do with stem cell research. His logic is sound – this is a controversial area of scientific exploration, with many millions of Americans being at least uncomfortable if not upset about the potential immorality of some of the research. Tax dollars should not be spent on something like this…

Now that the ink has been tested on that veto pen, there is a unique opportunity to start using the veto (or the credible threat of one) to bottle up big spenders on Capitol Hill and reign in what can truthfully be called out-of-control spending.