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Viva Revolucion!

If there was ever an argument for hiring a political consultant, the really sorry excuses for ballot statements that pop up every election is one of them.

I will hight light several glaring examples of how candidates do the unthinkable…feel free to send me your own examples.

In today’s example, my favorite so far this year, Mr. Che Hill, in the FIRST LINE of his ballot statement, proclaims: "My name is Che Hill.  I was named after the Cuban Revolutionary Che Guevara."  [See the full ballot statement attached below.]

I prefer Guevara’s Bolivian work myself but something tells me the people of Perris where Che was planning on running for city council would not have appreciated the distinction.

Luckily they won’t have to.  You see Che did not qualify for the ballot.  I am not sure why and I am unclear as to whether he paid for the ballot statement anyway, but I am too embarrassed for him to even ask.

More from the ballot statements of late soon…

2 Responses to “Viva Revolucion!”

  1. Says:

    Even more, it was poorly written. Almost every sentence began with I.

  2. Says:

    We had a city council candidate in San Diego about a decade ago whose ballot
    statement described how he exposed corruption in Los Angeles horse racing
    during the 1950s.

    The accompanying photo looked like an out-take from, “Grouchy Old Men.”

    For the non-history minded … Che Guevara was “liquidated” by the Bolivian
    Army in 1967. It is widely believed that Fidel considered Che a potential
    rival in Cuba, and told him to go play on the freeway in Bolivia, or else.

    It’s not easy being a communist icon.