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Dowd: Race will tighten, Angelides stunt backfires

Matthew Dowd, chief strategist for the Schwarzenegger Campaign sent out a memo today to Team Arnold explaining that the recent Field and PPIC polls showing the Gov. up by 10 and 17 points respectfully, are cause for excitement and a sign that their campaign is working, but also suggests that the race will tighten.

The most interesting part of the memo is his analysis of two internal poll questions he releases.

They asked voters if they’ve read about/heard about Angelides’ plan to pull CA National Guard troops out of Iraq if elected.  Only 31% say they had heard a lot or some about it, 61% said little or none.  And 50% of voters say the proposal by Angelides makes them LESS LIKELY to support him.

It looks like either the Angelides team forgot to poll before they ran with the political stunt or they truly believe its the right thing to do, but the voters disagree.