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Jon Fleischman

Veto of Cedillo’s D/L for Criminal Alien Bill Deserves A Press Rollout, Not a Blackout.

The public relations armada behind the Governor is very impressive.  When he wants the world to know he is doing something, there are media events, e-mails and faxes out that kazoo, conference calls with reporters, and the spin team is out in force.  You know when a PR blitz is taking place with Arnold Schwarzenegger.  As a matter of fact, it happens almost every day.

I can tell you that I have I have rolled my eyes on many occasions lately, because it seems that in so many cases, when Arnold lurches to the middle (over over-shoots and just plain moves over to the left) on an issue, they make a huge deal out of it.  The ‘production value’ on his signing of the wage mandate on employers was bettered even more by his recent greenhouse gas abatement tour of California, signing bills on Treasure Island (with British PM Tony Blair on hand via satellite) and down in LA, in coastal Malibu. 

Then when the Governor happens to do some good things that conservatives like me would like, it often times takes place with a whisper.

I am sure that there is a lot of ‘targeting’ going on in terms of the audience to which the Governor is trying to appear on any given day on any given issue.  But there are times when I want the Governer to make a big splash on things that I care about!  Case in point…

This particular commentary came about because at 5pm yesterday, as the media and everyone else were going home for the day, the Governor’s office released a ‘legislative update’ where the Governor signs a bunch of bills and vetoes a healthy number (38) bills.

Well, placed in the long list of 38 vetoes was SB 1162 by Senator Gil Cedillo – Cedillo’s annual attempt to place California Drivers Licenses in the hands of criminal aliens.

Good for the Governor for using his veto pen here — I’m sure that Angelides would have signed the bill.  Arnold Schwarzenegger should be praised for this veto.

That having been said, it would appear that he or his handlers do not want the main stream media making a big deal out of the veto.  I certainly didn’t see a live streaming video of the Governor vetoing the bill, nor did the Arnold propoganda machine roll media releases touting the veto, and talking about why the Governor opposes placing DL’s into the hands of illegal aliens.  There was no catchy "Angelides says this, and Arnold says that," release with quotes and all of that.

Instead, it is slipped out at the end of a busy Thursday, perhaps with the idea that no one would notice…  And from looking at today’s newspapers, by and large, this veto isn’t getting major coverage.

To those that tell me that I should just be happy that he is doing the right thing, I would say that I am pleased he vetoed SB 1162.  But I know a lot of conservatives out there who see immigration as a huge issue, their number one issue in fact. 

The PR ‘cone of silence’ accompanying this veto today has been disappointing.  If the Governor wants to excite and motivate core GOPers  in the final stretch, the least he should be doing is trumpeting those things that will excite the GOP base.  Hint:  It won’t be the price-controls on medical prescriptions.

Let’s use the awesome earned media power of the Governor’s office to help gin up more GOP volunteerism, starting with some ‘push out’ by Team Arnold on the Governor’s leadership in vetoing SB 1162, and opposing the granting of drivers licenses to undocument, crimininal aliens.

Considering that the Governor is about to start a statewide tour, with Democrats at his side, to push a bond-debt scheme of tens of millions of dollars that is only going to turn off conservative voters, the Governor should be using key bill signings and vetoes to nail down core Republican voters.